Thursday, April 26, 2012
Apparently and Pathetically
Apparently and pathetically, your precious boyfriend enjoys spending time with me more than with you. It makes we wonder, are you that boring? *smirks*
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Things I Do on Saturdays
This morning, I went jogging with Siti again at Taman Jaya. Berapa minggu sudah ndak jogging. Sepatutnya yesterday morning pun pegi. But both of us woke up later than planned, so nda la jadi pegi. Hopefully tomorrow boleh pegi jogging jugak. Hee... Lepas jogging macam biasalah, we had breakfast at mamak Amcorp Mall. Suddenly terasa mau makan tosai plak, so I ordered tosai n Siti ordered her favourite roti pisang. :) Selalunya after breakfast we'll go tengok2 kat Joe's MAC, but today we didn't. Instead, we bought some CDs for ourselves. Well, Siti said she'll give the ABBA Musical CD to a friend after ripping it. Hehe. As for me, I bought Stray Cats Greatest Hits and The Smashing Pumpkins' Adore CDs. (I am ashamed to say that this was the first time I have ever bought a Smashing Pumpkins CD. How can I call myself a fan? Well, I bought a concert DVD of them last year. Pirated. Lol). For RM20 per CD, it was a STEAL!!! The Smashing Pumpkins tu memang lah masih ada jual di mana2 kedai CD like Rock Corner, Speedy or Victoria Music Centre. Tapi untuk RM20??? MUSTAHIL. Hahahahahahaha memang best! Mo cari lagi la nanti CD!! :D O ya. I also bought The Beatles buttons tadi. Happy <3 Ah. I'm gonna miss Amcorp Mall. I'm gonna miss the cheap books, the vintage treasures, the friendly people, the cool cheap stuff they offer, I'm even gonna miss jogging at Taman Jaya. Nevermind lah, anytime I feel like going to Amcorp Mall again, I'll let Siti know. Siti pun suda cakap kalau ada apa2, tidur di rumah dia pun ndapa. Yay! :)
Sebenarnya, kalau ikutkan hati, malas aku mo pindah pi Serdang tu. Bukan apalah, transportation bah susah. Kalau sini kan dekat ngan Mid Valley, dekat ngan Amcorp Mall, senang mo pi KLCC, senang mo pi mana2. Aku lagi kan suka tengok movie saturang. Pastue, kalau aku mo pi gigs camana? Other events? Huh... Ndakan mo harapkan Faezah pick up aku di KTM Serdang every time kan? Sigh... Ndapalah... Bukannya aku nda pernah tinggal di Serdang tu. Nda juga aku mati. I'm gonna get used to it again. Lagipun, I am hoping that I won't have to stay there long anyway. My plan to go back to KK for good is still ON. It's just a matter of time. When the time is right, I'm gonna pack all my things and... sayonara KL, sayonara everyone... Sad, but at the same time happy too. Orang yg rapat dgn aku semua tau yg aku memang berniat mo balik KK pun. Tiket balik KL after raya pun aku belum beli. Ada juga niat sebenarnya untuk balik KK terus jak. Haha. Well, tengok lah nanti camana. Or maybe I should wait until Faezah moves in with Baen? Like I said, I'll see how it goes. When the time is right. Yeah, when the time is right.
Last Saturday, time camnie I was in Penang with Faezah and Ain, getting ready to go out again with Faezah's fiance, Baen. Hehe. It was a very simple visit to Penang, but we had fun! We arrived in Butterworth on Saturday at around 7am, and Baen picked us up at the train station then took us for breakfast at the "otherside". :P Kami naik ferry yayyyy!!! :D It was my second time riding on a ferry in Penang. My first time was with Rizal a long long time ago. Ah. Cerita lama. Haha. We had "nasi lemak hospital" (locals call it nasi lemak hospital as the place is just next to a hospital hahaha). It was really funny to see patients (who are not supposed to eat outside food) eating there. Lawak lah. Ada yg naik wheelchair lagi. Haha. I was wondering, is hospital food really that bad? Lol. According to Faezah, yes it is THAT BAD. Hee... After filling in our empty stomachs, we went to Bukit Bendera. :D It was also my second time. Haha. Penat tapi ndapalah, boleh bakar kalori yg baru ditambah. Hahaha. Konon mo naik the Canopy Walk, but it was closed. We walked and walked and walked and walked until we reached the Monkey Cup Garden, tapi niat untuk masuk terbantut bila tengok kena bayar lagi RM10. Cis. Ingatkan free. Penat2 jak jalan kaki jauh2. Hahaha. Pastue we walked back ke tempat naik tren tu n turun balik pi bawah. After that, Baen took us to check in to our hotel, which is called Broadway Budget Hotel. Me, Faezah and Ain stayed at the family-sized room, which has two queen-sized beds, a bathroom, an air conditioner, a fan, dressing table and cupboard. Sepatutnya kami duduk di bilik double (RM70), but since they were out of room, the hotel owner upgraded our room to the family-sized one with only RM10 surcharge. So instead of RM100++, we paid RM80 only for the room. Thanks to Baen for making the advanced reservation for us! Yay! :D Baen stayed at a room just two steps in front of ours.
Chicago vinyl record tu was a gift from Ally :-) |
Last Saturday, time camnie I was in Penang with Faezah and Ain, getting ready to go out again with Faezah's fiance, Baen. Hehe. It was a very simple visit to Penang, but we had fun! We arrived in Butterworth on Saturday at around 7am, and Baen picked us up at the train station then took us for breakfast at the "otherside". :P Kami naik ferry yayyyy!!! :D It was my second time riding on a ferry in Penang. My first time was with Rizal a long long time ago. Ah. Cerita lama. Haha. We had "nasi lemak hospital" (locals call it nasi lemak hospital as the place is just next to a hospital hahaha). It was really funny to see patients (who are not supposed to eat outside food) eating there. Lawak lah. Ada yg naik wheelchair lagi. Haha. I was wondering, is hospital food really that bad? Lol. According to Faezah, yes it is THAT BAD. Hee... After filling in our empty stomachs, we went to Bukit Bendera. :D It was also my second time. Haha. Penat tapi ndapalah, boleh bakar kalori yg baru ditambah. Hahaha. Konon mo naik the Canopy Walk, but it was closed. We walked and walked and walked and walked until we reached the Monkey Cup Garden, tapi niat untuk masuk terbantut bila tengok kena bayar lagi RM10. Cis. Ingatkan free. Penat2 jak jalan kaki jauh2. Hahaha. Pastue we walked back ke tempat naik tren tu n turun balik pi bawah. After that, Baen took us to check in to our hotel, which is called Broadway Budget Hotel. Me, Faezah and Ain stayed at the family-sized room, which has two queen-sized beds, a bathroom, an air conditioner, a fan, dressing table and cupboard. Sepatutnya kami duduk di bilik double (RM70), but since they were out of room, the hotel owner upgraded our room to the family-sized one with only RM10 surcharge. So instead of RM100++, we paid RM80 only for the room. Thanks to Baen for making the advanced reservation for us! Yay! :D Baen stayed at a room just two steps in front of ours.
Lepas rehat2, mandi, n solat asar, we went out again for our (late) lunch at Taman Kota Lama. All of us (except Ain) had mee sotong goreng and coconut shake (which apparently is coconut juice float). Ain had nasi putih + tomyam (with the kelapa shake as well). After that we went to Batu Feringgi, singgah kejap jak la, pastue balik hotel n went out again after maghrib for dinner in Bayan Lepas. As I was actually still full at the time, I just ordered sotong goreng tepung, while Baen ordered satay for all of us and bihun sup for himself. Ain pulak ordered kentang goreng, while Faezah ordered nothing. Dia merajuk sebab sebenarnya dia mo makan ikan bakar with nasik, but kedai makan yg Baen mo bawa kami pegi tu tutup la plak. Hehehe. Sebenarnya mo join dorang Ben Joe, Sam n Chin lepak di Padang Kota after the Grungezilla Penang Tour gig (I didn't go as I thought it was gonna be held on Sunday), but terlambat. At the time we left Bayan Lepas to get back to our hotel, they were already leaving for Kulim as well. Sigh. Melepas jumpa jejaka2 hensem tersebut. Hahahaha. Ndapalah. Next time! :D
Nasi Lemak Hospital + Milo Ais |
Mee Sotong Goreng + Coconut Shake |
Besoknya tu, we checked out at around 11am, and went to the Penang Butterfly Farm after lunch. Selepas puas bermain-main dengan kupu-kupu, kami menyambung perjalanan ke Sg Dua untuk memakan mee udang. :D Sebelum ke Sg Dua tu, Baen took us to Carrefour, Seberang Jaya as Faezah wanted to buy some jeruk. Aku tertidur sebenarnya dalam kereta tu. Sedar2 jak, tengok tempat cam familiarrrr jak. Patutlah. Sebab sudah sampai di Seberang Prai. Rizal's place! We actually lalu lagi Taman Sembilang, Seberang Jaya tu. His neighbourhood!! Urghhh talking about deja vu! Hahaha. Luckily nda terjumpa Rizal lah. Malu jugak sebenarnya. Hahaha. It will be realllllyyy awkward if we did bump into each other! Malas mo crita banyak, after having our mee udang, Baen bawa kami ke Sungai Petani, Kedah plak hahaha. First time tengok budak2 balik dari sekolah on a Sunday! Ya, terculture shock sekejap sana. Hahaha. Baru aku ingat yg Kedah pun salah satu dari tiga negeri di Malaysia yg mengamalkan Ahad sebagai hari yg pertama dalam seminggu. Hee... Singgah sana untuk beli kain jak. Faezah n Baen bought their kain untuk baju majlis kahwin sebelah Baen. Habis membeli-belah, Baen sent us back to the Butterworth train station and our Penang trip officially ended at 11pm on April 15, 2012. Hehehehe. Sekian itu jak lah cerita perjalanan kami ke Pulau Mutiara minggu lepas. I know I am a baddddddd storyteller. Coretan ni pun only for my remembrance, that's all. Haha.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Guess what sucks? Yes, you guessed it right! LONELINESS SUCKS!
I have never ever felt so lonely in my life before. I am not alone. I am lonely. There's a difference between alone and lonely. I am surrounded by friends, but why is it that I am still feeling lonely? Like I said, maybe I am not used to being single yet. I've been feeling down since the past few days. I mean, right after our little trip to Penang, I've been feeling this way. Maybe I just don't wanna be alone. Nobody to text with anymore, nobody to talk on the phone to anymore, nobody. :( Yes, of course I have my girlfriends who are loyal to me, who will always be beside me, who will always try to cheer me up whenever I am feeling down, but you know that is not what I am talking about, right? Sigh. When will I ever get used to this feeling??? Am I ever gonna get over this??? Urgh. I wonder, how did Faezah live before she "met" Baen? How does Siti live? But their stories are different from mine. Faezah had never had any relationship before, I mean an official one, as far as I'm concerned. And Siti too has never had any boyfriend. Meaning that they are used to being alone, by themselves, with nobody to text with 24/7 or talk on the phone to for long hours. As for me, I just recently became single (again). Gosh, how horrible this feels like. I used to have someone to take me to lunch/dinner/late supper, I used to have someone to talk to on Facebook, on the phone, at a restaurant, mamak, on the roadside, anywhere, I used to have someone to take me to late night movies, or just having a ride around town on the motorcycle, I used to have someone who will always remind me that I am being missed, I used to have someone who will randomly tell me that everything about me is cute and adorable, I used to have someone who will pinch me on the cheeks and tell me how chubby my fingers are, I used to have someone who always tells me how he loves to look at me while I'm eating, I used to have someone who wishes me "Good night". Now, all that is gone. Tell me how am I ever going to get used to not having that someone in my life anymore? Maybe I will, but it's going to take a long long time. It's going to take years of tears. People will look at me and say, "Ah, you're alright. There's nothing to it. You'll be fine, you're strong, you're not gonna cry for a man like that are you?, He's not worth your tears." But do they really understand how I feel inside? Or maybe, I was the one who kept telling myself those things, those lies. I can only act strong up to a point. As cliche as it may sound, this loneliness is killing me okay. I don't know how am I going to be able to act tough and put up with this any longer. This sucks. This sucks this sucks this sucks this sucks!!!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Is this just PMS?
I am feeling so bored with my life. I am sick of Facebook. I am sick of everything. I need some inspiration, but I lack of it. Maybe I just need to feel loved again? Is that it Nurul? You want to feel loved again? Loneliness sucks. I used to say "Love sucks" and "Lonelines is underrated". What happened to that Nurul? What is wrong with you? Your friends love you, your parents love you, your sisters love you, your brother loves you. Even though they don't say it on a daily basis, or weekly, or monthly, you know deep down in your heart they do. What more could you ask for? I don't know. I am clueless. I am kind of feeling lost. Or am I just having that stupid premenstrual syndrome again? I don't know. But I snapped at almost everything said to me today. Maybe it is PMS. Pfftt...
By the way, Nasik called me this morning. Tiba2. Kononnya untuk bertanya khabar. I told him I'm OK, that all things in my life right now, my job, my health, my state of mind, are all OK. He told me that he had been wanting to call since three or four days ago, but didn't say why he didn't, and that he had a dream about me last night. Yeah, RIGHT. He did apologise about the cake though. Urgh. Do you really have to mention Nasik in ALL of your blog posts Nurul? *rolls eyes*
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Kenapa sesetengah orang selalu buat atau cakap sesuatu yg mereka tidak benar2 maksudkan? Mungkin... soalan aku tu salah? Mungkin aku sepatutnya tanya, kenapa sesetengah orang tidak pernah buat atau cakap sesuatu yg mereka benar2 maksudkan? Kenapa? Sesetengah orang suka meluahkan perasaan mereka melalui kata2, ekspresi muka, bahasa badan, muzik, tulisan, lukisan, dan ada juga yg lebih suka memendam perasaan kerana takutkan penolakan (rejection), tidak yakin diri, takut ditertawakan, takut dipandang remeh oleh teman2, dan sebagainya. Tapi bukan itu yg mahu aku perkatakan di sini. Sebenarnya, yg mengganggu fikiran aku sekarang ini ialah jenis manusia yg satu ini. Jenis manusia ini, ah, camana ah mau terangkan? Manusia ini selalu saja buat dan cakap sesuatu yg buat orang lain perasan. Iya, perasan. Perasan bagus, perasan kiut, perasan cantik, perasan hensem. Kalau jenis2 perasan yg ini tidak mengapalah lagi, tapi kalau sampai orang tu perasan yg orang yg suka buat orang lain perasan tu tadi ada perasaan sama dia camana? Kalau orang yg suka buat orang lain perasan tu memang betul2 ada perasaan yg sama dengan orang yg perasan tu tidak mengapalah. Tapi kalau yg perasan tu cuma perasan saja camana? Tapi, kenapa dia boleh perasan sampai macam tu sekali?
Mari aku tolong jawab soalan aku sendiri. Ini kerana, perbuatan orang yg suka buat orang lain perasan tu telah melahirkan suatu perasaan dalam hati si perasan itu. Bagaimana? Dengan perbuatan2 romantis seperti memberikan hadiah mungkin? (hadiah di sini termasuklah coklat, bunga, baju, kek, bla bla bla). Mengucapkan "Aku rindu padamu" setiap pagi, tengah hari, petang, dan malam mungkin? Membawa makan sarapan setiap pagi mungkin? Post lagu2 berkaitan perasaan di FB wall mungkin? Mendendangkan lagu2 kegemaran si perasan itu mungkin?Atau apa2lah. Jadi, kalau orang yg suka buat orang lain perasan tu pernah atau selalu buat salah satu atau semua perkara yg telah disebut tadi, bagitau aku macam mana orang yg perasan tadi tu tidak rasa apa yg dia rasa? Kan? Kawan? Mari aku tanya balik. Kawan apa yg buat benda2 di atas tu untuk kawan? Ada?
Jawapannya ya, ada. Ada orang yg buat benda2 tu untuk kawan2nya. Orang itu ialah jenis orang yg baru aku cakapkan tadilah. Yg buat kepala aku pusing itulah. Ya. Apa yg dia lakukan atau cakapkan pada orang yg perasan itu sebenarnya hanyalah atas dasar kawan. Tidak lebih, tidak kurang. Bagi dia, apa yg dia buat dan cakap itu tiada apa2 makna tersirat pun. Dia ingat apa yg dia buat dan cakap itu tidak akan meninggalkan apa2 kesan kepada si perasan itu. Bagi dia, apa yg dia buat itu sudah biasa dibuat untuk kawan2nya yg lain. Malangnya, si perasan itu tidak tahu pun tentang semua itu. Jadi, tetaplah dia dengan keperasanannya itu. Kerana orang yg sudah buat dia perasan itu pun tidak perasan yg dia sudah perasan. Kasihan kan?
Tolonglah. Berhenti buat orang perasan. Sangat tidak cool, OK. Jangan buat atau cakap sesuatu yg kamu sendiri tidak pasti apa maksudnya. Jangan buat atau cakap sesuatu yg kamu sendiri tidak tahu apa kesannya ke atas orang lain. Jangan buat atau cakap sesuatu jika kamu, wahai orang yg suka buat orang lain perasan itu, tidak bersedia menerima penangan daripada apa yg telah kamu lakukan itu. Dan kamu pula wahai orang yg mudah perasan itu, kawallah perasaan. Perasan itu tiada gunanya. Ibarat menepuk sebelah tangan, tidak berbunyi. So not cool OK. Pfft.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Traffic Lights Lullabies
Tonight I learned that traffic lights will never guarantee our safety on the road. Traffic lights will only be useful if EVERYONE would appreciate and understand why traffic lights were invented in the first place more. Traffic lights were built so that the safety of road users are ensured, but only if EVERYONE understands why traffic lights were built. It is not our traffic law that is at fault, but the mindset of our people. They always take traffic lights for granted, when they know that it is compulsory for them to obey the traffic lights. Our people are so selfish and always too scared of losing time until it seems like they don't care if people or even themselves would lose their lives only because of their time chasing obsession. Tonight, I almost got hit by a motorcycle on a zebra crossing when the pedestrian light was GREEN. I was so mad that I could only scream "ARE YOU BLIND???? OR STUPID???!!!!" I really hope that people would appreciate traffic lights more, so that we can help reduce the number of traffic accidents in our country. If not much, a little. Whatever it is, I am still very grateful to Allah as nothing bad happened. I think it is a good lesson for me and also my friends as it taught me to be more careful on the road. Remember that traffic lights alone will never guarantee anything while we are using the road. All of us need to learn to take responsibility of it. Not just for ourselves, but for every single creature on Earth. Peace and love. \\// + <3
On an unrelated matter, he sang me lullabies again. For the first time in months. Didn't feel anything. Oh really Nurul? Didn't your heart just drop? Or are you just playing it cool this time?
Monday, April 09, 2012
27 Tahun Satu Hari
Iya, aku sudah berumur 27 tahun dan satu hari hari ini. Jam dan minit malas mau kira ok. Pfft.. Hahaha. Apa yg sudah aku kecapi selama hidup aku 27 tahun? Sigh... Rasanya tiada perkembangan yg ketara dalam hidup aku. Hidup aku masih macam ni saja. Lesen kereta pun belum ada. Simpanan? Pasangan? Pfft... Ikutkan hati, mahu aku salahkan Nasik atas banyak perkara, tapi, aku tidak mahu hidup dalam denial. Semua salah aku sendiri juga. I was in love with my own feelings, sampai benda2 yg aku patut buat untuk diri sendiri dan masa depan aku, aku abaikan. Masa depan, financial security, semua itu penting. Tapi, apa yg aku ada? Urgh. Sigh. Untuk menyedapkan hati aku, better late than never right? Ya, aku bersyukur pada Allah SWT kerana memanjangkan usia aku sehingga ke hari ini, saat ini. Bererti, aku masih diberi peluang untuk memperbetulkan apa yg salah dan mencapai apa yg aku betul2 mahukan dalam hidup. Sekarang sudah sendiri, jadi senanglah untuk aku tumpukan perhatian pada diri aku sendiri. I'll make the best of what I have right now. Mungkin job aku sekarang ni bukanlah dream job aku. Aku pun tidak pasti apa sebenarnya dream job aku? Do I even have a dream job? Cikgu? Sebenarnya bukanlah dream job aku pun. Tapi ya, memang aku pernah dan masih sedang mencuba, tapi nampaknya belum ada rezeki aku di situ. Job aku sekarang ni bukanlah teruk sangat. Gaji masih OK. Masih cukup. Jadi biarlah aku di sini dulu. Maksud aku? Biarkan aku berterusan berada dalam zon selesa aku? Bukan berterusan, tapi buat sementara waktu ini, biarlah aku di sini dulu. Aku memang mahu balik. Akan aku usahakan nanti. InsyaAllah...
Kenapa aku melankolik sangat hari ini? Mungkin sebab cuaca yg mendung selepas hujan? Ah. Salahkan cuaca pulak. Hahaha. Sebenarnya aku mahu menulis tentang kejadian semalam. 8 April 2012. Ya. Apa yg terjadi semalam. Cuma dua orang yg menghantar SMS untuk mengucapkan "Selamat Hari Lahir" pada aku semalam. Seorang itu Faezah dan seorang lagi cuba teka? Ya. The other person was Nasik. (ah memang nda boleh lari dari bahasa rojak lah hahaha. Biarlah! Ini blog aku! Suka hati aku lah!) Walaupun ramai kawan2 yg lain mengucapkan "Selamat Hari Jadi", "Selamat Hari Lahir", "Selamat Hari Tua", "Happy Birthday" dan "Epi Besday" di Facebook, tapi cuma dua orang itu saja yg menghantar ucapan tersebut melalui SMS. Adik2 aku, abang aku, tiada. Ah. Sedangkan mama aku sendiri terlupa yg semalam ialah hari lahir aku. Apa ada hal? This year is really different. Tahun lepas, seperti tahun2 lain, mama tidak lupa untuk menelefon aku di hari lahir aku, adik2 aku siap buat special birthday wish lagi di Facebook, dan Ally juga ada menelefon aku tepat pukul 12 malam. Tahun ini, semua itu tiada. Tahun lepas, pada masa ini, aku masih bekerja di Central Market. Aku ingat lagi, hari itu hari Jumaat. Aku jaga kedai Log Art Gallery di Fahrenheit 88. Nasik datang membawa kek Chocolate Indulgence Secret Recipe untuk aku. Malam itu juga dia berikan aku poster The Strokes yg kononnya dipesan dari Singapura. Tapi, tidak pernah pun aku tampal poster itu di dinding. Haha.
Teringat aku hadiah2 yg dia berikan pada aku tahun2 sudah. Patung kucing, harmonika, boxer Levi's. Hahaha.
Tahun ini pun aku dapat lagi sepotong kek Chocolate Indulgence Secret Recipe dari orang yg sama. Pukul 12 tengah hari, tiba2 Nasik menelefon aku mengatakan yg dia sudah ada di luar pintu rumah aku. Dengan muka yg belum cuci, gigi belum gosok, dan masih berbaju tidur, aku buka pintu dan lihat ada orang sedang menyanyikan lagu "Happy Birthday" untuk aku sambil memegang kek. Walaupun agak terkilan sebab itu bukanlah perisa kek kegemaran aku, aku terharu juga sebenarnya. Walaupun aku rasa agak menyampah bila aku tanya, "Kenapa Chocolate Indulgence?? Awak kan dah tau saya suka cheese cake!", dan selamba jawapannya, "Sebab saya suka Chocolate Indulgence!". Urgh. I rolled my eyes like 5000 times, but it was still better than nothing. Of all people, dia, Mohd Haszuan Ahmad Nazri yg aku benci dan sumpah seranah itulah yg buat semua itu untuk aku. No present this year though. It's OK. Sebenarnya dia agak keberatan untuk membawa aku keluar makan. Alasannya, kerja. Ah. Aku tidak peduli! I just didn't want to be alone on my fuckin' birthday! So at last dia mengalah dan setuju membawa aku keluar makan. Disebabkan dia cuma ada satu helmet pada masa tu, jadi kami pergi ke KL Sentral untuk makan tengah hari dengan menaiki Putra LRT. Aku memilih untuk makan di KFC. Hahaha. Lame right? Tapi entah. I felt like eating KFC at that particular time, so KFC it was. I had Hot n Spicy Snack Plate, with drumstick n thigh (pandai pulak dia order my favourite chicken parts), n he also bought me an egg tart. He rambled about his planned Bali trip this May, and I talked about nonsensical things. We had a stupid little bickering that made us both quiet until we reached my place. He went back home and I spent the rest of the day Facebooking and blogging about The Cranberries concert.
Menyedihkan bukan?
Tetapi, sangkaan aku yg hari semalam akan berakhir dengan tersangatlah bosannya meleset. Nasib baiklah Ezura bawa aku keluar makan malam dan menonton wayang di Mid Valley. Hahaha. Mungkin kasihankan aku sebab cuma duduk di rumah macam orang bangang menatap komputer riba di hari jadiku, hari yg mana aku sepatutnya keluar bergembira meraikannya bersama teman-teman ataupun kekasih. Lol. Aku amat berterima kasih dan bersyukur kepada Tuhan kerana aku masih ada kawan-kawan yg sayangkan aku. Ezura belanja aku makan malam di Secret Recipe, this time with a proper piece of cake that I chose myself, which was Banana Cheese Cake! Nyummyyyy!!! Malam itu diakhiri dengan "Street Dance 2". :D Terima kasih Ezura. Thanks for making my day! Sayang kau! :) Aku rasa, cukuplah aku merepek untuk hari ini dengan ayat aku yg tunggang langgang with the so-called bahasa Melayu baku, Sabahan dan English fusion ini. Hahaha.
KAMI MAHUKAN GRUNGE, Jangan Tipu Kami!!!

Iqa! :-) |
Rishi Majimbo, Soma's Vocalist |
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