This morning, I went jogging with Siti again at Taman Jaya. Berapa minggu sudah ndak jogging. Sepatutnya yesterday morning pun pegi. But both of us woke up later than planned, so nda la jadi pegi. Hopefully tomorrow boleh pegi jogging jugak. Hee... Lepas jogging macam biasalah, we had breakfast at mamak Amcorp Mall. Suddenly terasa mau makan tosai plak, so I ordered tosai n Siti ordered her favourite roti pisang. :) Selalunya after breakfast we'll go tengok2 kat Joe's MAC, but today we didn't. Instead, we bought some CDs for ourselves. Well, Siti said she'll give the ABBA Musical CD to a friend after ripping it. Hehe. As for me, I bought Stray Cats Greatest Hits and The Smashing Pumpkins' Adore CDs. (I am ashamed to say that this was the first time I have ever bought a Smashing Pumpkins CD. How can I call myself a fan? Well, I bought a concert DVD of them last year. Pirated. Lol). For RM20 per CD, it was a STEAL!!! The Smashing Pumpkins tu memang lah masih ada jual di mana2 kedai CD like Rock Corner, Speedy or Victoria Music Centre. Tapi untuk RM20??? MUSTAHIL. Hahahahahahaha memang best! Mo cari lagi la nanti CD!! :D O ya. I also bought The Beatles buttons tadi. Happy <3 Ah. I'm gonna miss Amcorp Mall. I'm gonna miss the cheap books, the vintage treasures, the friendly people, the cool cheap stuff they offer, I'm even gonna miss jogging at Taman Jaya. Nevermind lah, anytime I feel like going to Amcorp Mall again, I'll let Siti know. Siti pun suda cakap kalau ada apa2, tidur di rumah dia pun ndapa. Yay! :)
Sebenarnya, kalau ikutkan hati, malas aku mo pindah pi Serdang tu. Bukan apalah, transportation bah susah. Kalau sini kan dekat ngan Mid Valley, dekat ngan Amcorp Mall, senang mo pi KLCC, senang mo pi mana2. Aku lagi kan suka tengok movie saturang. Pastue, kalau aku mo pi gigs camana? Other events? Huh... Ndakan mo harapkan Faezah pick up aku di KTM Serdang every time kan? Sigh... Ndapalah... Bukannya aku nda pernah tinggal di Serdang tu. Nda juga aku mati. I'm gonna get used to it again. Lagipun, I am hoping that I won't have to stay there long anyway. My plan to go back to KK for good is still ON. It's just a matter of time. When the time is right, I'm gonna pack all my things and... sayonara KL, sayonara everyone... Sad, but at the same time happy too. Orang yg rapat dgn aku semua tau yg aku memang berniat mo balik KK pun. Tiket balik KL after raya pun aku belum beli. Ada juga niat sebenarnya untuk balik KK terus jak. Haha. Well, tengok lah nanti camana. Or maybe I should wait until Faezah moves in with Baen? Like I said, I'll see how it goes. When the time is right. Yeah, when the time is right.
Chicago vinyl record tu was a gift from Ally :-)
Last Saturday, time camnie I was in Penang with Faezah and Ain, getting ready to go out again with Faezah's fiance, Baen. Hehe. It was a very simple visit to Penang, but we had fun! We arrived in Butterworth on Saturday at around 7am, and Baen picked us up at the train station then took us for breakfast at the "otherside". :P Kami naik ferry yayyyy!!! :D It was my second time riding on a ferry in Penang. My first time was with Rizal a long long time ago. Ah. Cerita lama. Haha. We had "nasi lemak hospital" (locals call it nasi lemak hospital as the place is just next to a hospital hahaha). It was really funny to see patients (who are not supposed to eat outside food) eating there. Lawak lah. Ada yg naik wheelchair lagi. Haha. I was wondering, is hospital food really that bad? Lol. According to Faezah, yes it is THAT BAD. Hee... After filling in our empty stomachs, we went to Bukit Bendera. :D It was also my second time. Haha. Penat tapi ndapalah, boleh bakar kalori yg baru ditambah. Hahaha. Konon mo naik the Canopy Walk, but it was closed. We walked and walked and walked and walked until we reached the Monkey Cup Garden, tapi niat untuk masuk terbantut bila tengok kena bayar lagi RM10. Cis. Ingatkan free. Penat2 jak jalan kaki jauh2. Hahaha. Pastue we walked back ke tempat naik tren tu n turun balik pi bawah.
After that, Baen took us to check in to our hotel, which is called Broadway Budget Hotel. Me, Faezah and Ain stayed at the family-sized room, which has two queen-sized beds, a bathroom, an air conditioner, a fan, dressing table and cupboard. Sepatutnya kami duduk di bilik double (RM70), but since they were out of room, the hotel owner upgraded our room to the family-sized one with only RM10 surcharge. So instead of RM100++, we paid RM80 only for the room. Thanks to Baen for making the advanced reservation for us! Yay! :D Baen stayed at a room just two steps in front of ours.
Lepas rehat2, mandi, n solat asar, we went out again for our (late) lunch at Taman Kota Lama. All of us (except Ain) had mee sotong goreng and coconut shake (which apparently is coconut juice float). Ain had nasi putih + tomyam (with the kelapa shake as well). After that we went to Batu Feringgi, singgah kejap jak la, pastue balik hotel n went out again after maghrib for dinner in Bayan Lepas. As I was actually still full at the time, I just ordered sotong goreng tepung, while Baen ordered satay for all of us and bihun sup for himself. Ain pulak ordered kentang goreng, while Faezah ordered nothing. Dia merajuk sebab sebenarnya dia mo makan ikan bakar with nasik, but kedai makan yg Baen mo bawa kami pegi tu tutup la plak. Hehehe. Sebenarnya mo join dorang Ben Joe, Sam n Chin lepak di Padang Kota after the Grungezilla Penang Tour gig (I didn't go as I thought it was gonna be held on Sunday), but terlambat. At the time we left Bayan Lepas to get back to our hotel, they were already leaving for Kulim as well. Sigh. Melepas jumpa jejaka2 hensem tersebut. Hahahaha. Ndapalah. Next time! :D
Nasi Lemak Hospital + Milo Ais
Mee Sotong Goreng + Coconut Shake

Besoknya tu, we checked out at around 11am, and went to the Penang Butterfly Farm after lunch. Selepas puas bermain-main dengan kupu-kupu, kami menyambung perjalanan ke Sg Dua untuk memakan mee udang. :D Sebelum ke Sg Dua tu, Baen took us to Carrefour, Seberang Jaya as Faezah wanted to buy some jeruk. Aku tertidur sebenarnya dalam kereta tu. Sedar2 jak, tengok tempat cam familiarrrr jak. Patutlah. Sebab sudah sampai di Seberang Prai. Rizal's place! We actually lalu lagi Taman Sembilang, Seberang Jaya tu. His neighbourhood!! Urghhh talking about deja vu! Hahaha. Luckily nda terjumpa Rizal lah. Malu jugak sebenarnya. Hahaha. It will be realllllyyy awkward if we did bump into each other! Malas mo crita banyak, after having our mee udang, Baen bawa kami ke Sungai Petani, Kedah plak hahaha. First time tengok budak2 balik dari sekolah on a Sunday! Ya, terculture shock sekejap sana. Hahaha. Baru aku ingat yg Kedah pun salah satu dari tiga negeri di Malaysia yg mengamalkan Ahad sebagai hari yg pertama dalam seminggu. Hee... Singgah sana untuk beli kain jak. Faezah n Baen bought their kain untuk baju majlis kahwin sebelah Baen. Habis membeli-belah, Baen sent us back to the Butterworth train station and our Penang trip officially ended at 11pm on April 15, 2012. Hehehehe. Sekian itu jak lah cerita perjalanan kami ke Pulau Mutiara minggu lepas. I know I am a baddddddd storyteller. Coretan ni pun only for my remembrance, that's all. Haha.
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