I am the type of person who always thinks of the past. I think about not only the bad things, but also the good things that always seem to take place in my life in succession of the bad ones.
And I am also the type of person who believes everything happens for a reason.
Looking back at what happened to me, what other people did to me, what I did to other people, I always feel that it was for the best, and it's true. What happened was meant to happen. And it was all for good reasons, if not better.
What happened to Rizal may probably be the best thing that could have ever happened to him, because I wasn't the best for him. What happened to me was the best thing that has ever happened to me, because Nasik wasn't the best for me, and perhaps neither was I. What happened to us was meant to happen and it happened for all the right reasons.
We surely didn't see it in the beginning, but look at us now, look at me now. I finally found peace. Within me. Now I truly believe that everything happens for a reason, and the reason is good. And I am grateful for the qada' and qadar, and I hope you are too, whoever you are.
To all of the people whom I have wronged, please forgive me, for I am nothing but only a human being who has many errors and imperfections. To all of the people whom have wronged me, I forgive you.
May Allah bless us all.
"What happened to Rizal may probably be the best thing that could have ever happened to him, because I wasn't the best for him." -
ReplyDelete- Setiap hari selepas bangun dari tidur, tanpa kita sedari ia sebenarnya mematangkan kita. Cara kita berfikir, cara kita bercakap dan cara kita bertindak pada sesuatu keadaan itu sebenarnya kita menuju kearah kematangan. Sesuatu hikmah yang terjadi atas setiap kejadian tersebut kadang kala lambat untuk kita ketahui dan ada kalanya cepat kita ketahui.
Perkenalan kita sebenarnya adalah satu skrip dari Allah mengenai kehidupan. Kita adalah pelakonnya dan Allah adalah Pengarahnya.
Setelah bertemu, pasti akan ada perpisahan. Kita berdua berpisah dan bertemu orang lain pula. Bila bertemu orang lain pula, kita akan belajar sesuatu yang kita sendiri tidak menyedari ianya akan mematangkan kita.
Terima kasih nurul hanani bt junaidi. Terima kasih sebab pernah menjadi insan istimewa dalam hidup saya suatu masa dulu. Setiap orang ada kebaikannya termasuklah diri awak. kadang-kadang bila teringat pasal kita dulu-dulu, saya tersenyum sorang2. Sebelum jumpa blog ni pun, saya tertanya-tanya apa khabar awak kat luar sana.
P/S ; Saya mula mencintai dunia fotografi ketika kita jalan-jalan di Gaya Street dan saya ada mengambil gambar pakcik tua yang tengah main biola. Its start when i am with you baby. Jaga amal, jaga diri dan please pray for me to have a good iman and life in here..Wassalam.