Lokasi: Perpustakaan Negeri Sabah, UTC
Situasi: Azan Asar berkumandang dari telefon pintar milik aku. Seorang remaja lelaki dan dua orang kanak-kanak lelaki yg sedang menggunakan komputer terus berkalih ke belakang mencari-cari sumber azan itu dan bila mereka sudah pasti yg ianya datang dari aku, mereka berkalih lagi beberapa kali ke arah aku. Their reaction was as if it was some kind of noise or something. Aku fahamlah ini perpustakaan tapi, it's azan not some rock music, okay? I was like, "Apa pandang-pandang? Pergi solat!" Yg lebih menyakitkan hati ialah, remaja lelaki tadi itu menggeleng-gelengkan kepalanya seperti beliau telah menyaksikan sesuatu yg tidak sepatutnya terjadi. Aku lihat beliau mencapai earphones lalu menyumbatkannya ke telinga beliau. Even the non-muslims didn't show that kind of reaction! Aku rasa sangat tergoda untuk pergi ke tempat beliau dan menghadiahkan beliau sepenampar.
P/S: Kenapa aku nda solat? Aku uzur lah! Kau tau apa?
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Al-kisah Baru Kejap Tadi
Lokasi: Perpustakaan Negeri Sabah, UTC
Situasi: Seorang kanak-kanak lelaki berumur lebih kurang 4 tahun sedang menangis memanggil-manggil ibunya sambil bermain permainan komputer. Ada yg menunjukkan reaksi risau tapi tidak melakukan apa-apa selain melihat-lihat di sekeliling seperti berharap ada yg sanggup bangun dari "kerusi-kerusi malas" mereka untuk berbuat sesuatu. Aku bingkas bangun untuk melaporkan perkara itu kepada pustakawan di kaunter hadapan.
Aku: Cik, ada budak menangis-nangis panggil mama dia.
Cik Pustakawan: Oh... Iya...? (tersengih-sengih kerang busuk)
Aku: Dari tadi lagi tu. Ibu ibu dia bilang.
Cik Pustakawan: Ni ada budak menangis panggil mama dia (kata Cik Pustakawan kepada rakan setugas beliau).
Encik Pustakawan: Manala saya tau mana mama dia (kata Encik Pustakawan kepada kami).
Aku: Memang la ko nda tau mana mama dia. I'm not asking you where his mother is. I just want you to show your fuckin' concern, will ya? (kataku di dalam kepalaku sambil menunjukkan muka kurang puas hati dengan jawapan Encik Pustakawan tersebut).
Budak perempuan entah dari mana tiba-tiba menyampuk: Tadi dia menangis, sekarang nda menangis suda.
Aku berlalu kembali ke tempat dudukku di ruang membaca. Rupa-rupanya ibu kanak-kanak lelaki yg menangis-nangis (sambil main game) itu tadi sudah ada. Ceh.
Situasi: Seorang kanak-kanak lelaki berumur lebih kurang 4 tahun sedang menangis memanggil-manggil ibunya sambil bermain permainan komputer. Ada yg menunjukkan reaksi risau tapi tidak melakukan apa-apa selain melihat-lihat di sekeliling seperti berharap ada yg sanggup bangun dari "kerusi-kerusi malas" mereka untuk berbuat sesuatu. Aku bingkas bangun untuk melaporkan perkara itu kepada pustakawan di kaunter hadapan.
Aku: Cik, ada budak menangis-nangis panggil mama dia.
Cik Pustakawan: Oh... Iya...? (tersengih-sengih kerang busuk)
Aku: Dari tadi lagi tu. Ibu ibu dia bilang.
Cik Pustakawan: Ni ada budak menangis panggil mama dia (kata Cik Pustakawan kepada rakan setugas beliau).
Encik Pustakawan: Manala saya tau mana mama dia (kata Encik Pustakawan kepada kami).
Aku: Memang la ko nda tau mana mama dia. I'm not asking you where his mother is. I just want you to show your fuckin' concern, will ya? (kataku di dalam kepalaku sambil menunjukkan muka kurang puas hati dengan jawapan Encik Pustakawan tersebut).
Budak perempuan entah dari mana tiba-tiba menyampuk: Tadi dia menangis, sekarang nda menangis suda.
Aku berlalu kembali ke tempat dudukku di ruang membaca. Rupa-rupanya ibu kanak-kanak lelaki yg menangis-nangis (sambil main game) itu tadi sudah ada. Ceh.
Wednesday, November 05, 2014
Heart and Soul
Instincts that can still betray us
A journey that leads to the sun
Soulless and bent on destruction
A struggle between right and wrong
You take my place in the showdown
I'll observe with a pitiful eye
I'd humbly ask for forgiveness
A request well beyond you and I
Heart and soul, one will burn
Heart and soul, one will burn
An abyss that laughs at creation
A circus complete with all fools
Foundations that lasted the ages
Then ripped apart at their roots
Beyond all this good is the terror
The grip of a mercenary hand
When savagery turns all good reason
There's no turning back, no last stand
Heart and soul, one will burn
Heart and soul, one will burn
Existence, well what does it matter?
I exist on the best terms I can
The past is now part of my future
The present is well out of hand
The present is well out of hand
Heart and soul, one will burn
Heart and soul, one will burn
One will burn, one will burn
Heart and soul, one will burn
I Moustache (Must Ask) You a Question therefore Come As You Are!
So I finally bought pillows for my car. I felt so happy for finding pillow covers I really love! XD XD XD
Ain Turned 20!
So it was Ain's (my youngest sister's) 20th birthday on Monday. I took her out for the movie Ouija with No Joke, Farah, B and R and we went to Burger King (Ain's choice) for her birthday dinner afterwards. I didn't buy her any birthday gift or cake but I did give her some birthday money. :-) Hope you had a Happy Birthday lil sis! I'm sorry if it wasn't what you hoped for... Hee... May Allah shower you with blessings and grant you with happiness, good health, wealth, and wisdom! Love ya! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
BeFunky is being cranky atm (or maybe it's just the weak Internet connection here, urgh, yeah, I'm at the UTC library again for the free WiFi. Ayam poorfag zzzz) so I'm just gonna post Ain's birthday photo unedited. Who the hell cares Nurul? Zzz...
BeFunky is being cranky atm (or maybe it's just the weak Internet connection here, urgh, yeah, I'm at the UTC library again for the free WiFi. Ayam poorfag zzzz) so I'm just gonna post Ain's birthday photo unedited. Who the hell cares Nurul? Zzz...
From left: Ain, Farah |
Tuesday, November 04, 2014
Monday, November 03, 2014
metafizika gampangsolo: The episode where I gave a speech...
metafizika gampangsolo: The episode where I gave a speech...: been meaning to get this uploaded here. this is transcript of a speech i gave at a university during an event recently. an example of so ...
Saturday, November 01, 2014
Al-kisah di Tengah Hari Kemarin (Atau semalam. Mana2 lah!)
Lokasi: Perpustakaan Negeri Sabah, UTC
Aku: Kak, mo pakai komputer.
Kakak library: Berapa umur kamu?
Aku: 29
Kakak library: Ha? 29? Ingatkan 14, 15 tadi.
Aku: (Tersipu-sipu malu sambil menghulurkan kad pengenalan)
Makasih kak! I ❤ you! :8) :8) :8)
Aku: Kak, mo pakai komputer.
Kakak library: Berapa umur kamu?
Aku: 29
Kakak library: Ha? 29? Ingatkan 14, 15 tadi.
Aku: (Tersipu-sipu malu sambil menghulurkan kad pengenalan)
Makasih kak! I ❤ you! :8) :8) :8)
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Word of the Day: Serendipity
According to Wiktionary:
1. An unsought, unintended, and/or unexpected, but fortunate, discovery and/or learning experience that happens by accident.
2. A combination of events which are not individually beneficial, but occurring together produce a good or wonderful outcome.
Serendipity is when you find things you weren't looking for because finding what you're looking for is so damn difficult. - Erin McKean
According to Dictionary.com
1. An aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident.
2. Good fortune; luck:
"the serendipity of getting the first job she applied for."
According to Urban Dictionary:
1. A very good coincidence, often leading to something really awesome.
It was serendipity that I put one quarter in the gumball machine and three came out. :-)
2. A fortunate accident.
I got lost and found a bag of money, what a serendipity.
3. The action of making happy discoveries, by accidents or sagacity, of something not initially in quest of.
'I lost a needle in a hay stack last week, however whilst looking for it I found the farmer's daughter' - I had to consider this (as she was pretty and willing) a stroke of serendipity.
4. Lucky chance
Them falling in love was purely serendipity.
5. Something pleasant or useful found while looking for something else. Inspired by a Persian fairy story, "The Three Princes of Serendip".
I initially wanted to date Moira, but she turned out to be an awful bore and she snorted when she laughed, which I can't stand. She did however get me in touch with a car dealer who makes really cool custom cars, top quality and dirt cheap, three of which I bought within a year. That was a real piece of serendipity.
6. Finding the most amazing guy in the world while he is doing laundry on your hall. aka a happy accident or coincidence. Everything happens for a reason.
As I saw Kevin walking down the hall with his laundry I knew I had to make him mine. Turns out he likes me too and everything falls into place perfectly. Call it serendipity? Or fate?
1. An unsought, unintended, and/or unexpected, but fortunate, discovery and/or learning experience that happens by accident.
2. A combination of events which are not individually beneficial, but occurring together produce a good or wonderful outcome.
Serendipity is when you find things you weren't looking for because finding what you're looking for is so damn difficult. - Erin McKean
According to Dictionary.com
1. An aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident.
2. Good fortune; luck:
"the serendipity of getting the first job she applied for."
According to Urban Dictionary:
1. A very good coincidence, often leading to something really awesome.
It was serendipity that I put one quarter in the gumball machine and three came out. :-)
2. A fortunate accident.
I got lost and found a bag of money, what a serendipity.
3. The action of making happy discoveries, by accidents or sagacity, of something not initially in quest of.
'I lost a needle in a hay stack last week, however whilst looking for it I found the farmer's daughter' - I had to consider this (as she was pretty and willing) a stroke of serendipity.
4. Lucky chance
Them falling in love was purely serendipity.
5. Something pleasant or useful found while looking for something else. Inspired by a Persian fairy story, "The Three Princes of Serendip".
I initially wanted to date Moira, but she turned out to be an awful bore and she snorted when she laughed, which I can't stand. She did however get me in touch with a car dealer who makes really cool custom cars, top quality and dirt cheap, three of which I bought within a year. That was a real piece of serendipity.
6. Finding the most amazing guy in the world while he is doing laundry on your hall. aka a happy accident or coincidence. Everything happens for a reason.
As I saw Kevin walking down the hall with his laundry I knew I had to make him mine. Turns out he likes me too and everything falls into place perfectly. Call it serendipity? Or fate?
Thought of the Day
I'm not only anti-smoking, I'm also anti-pornography (or anything close to it). So please be mindful about sending me porn or porn-like content, even if it is meant as a joke, DON'T, save it for your own viewing and amusement. Clearly, you and I have a very different idea about what funny means. Thanks for your understanding.
Peace, love & respect!
Yours truly,
Nurul in Chains
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Word of the Day: Meet-cute
According to Wiktionary:
(narratology) A situation in a film, television series, etc. in which a potential or future romantic couple meet for the first time in a way that is considered adorable, entertaining, or amusing.
According to Dictionary.com:
A situation or occasion when potential romantic partners meet for the first time in a charming or amusing way.
According to Urban Dictionary:
Scenario in which two individuals are brought together in some unlikely, zany, destined-to-fall-in-love-and-be-together-forever sort of way (the more unusual, the better).
The way the characters meet in "Serendipity" or "When Harry Met Sally" or at least half the romantic comedies out there.
(narratology) A situation in a film, television series, etc. in which a potential or future romantic couple meet for the first time in a way that is considered adorable, entertaining, or amusing.
According to Dictionary.com:
A situation or occasion when potential romantic partners meet for the first time in a charming or amusing way.
According to Urban Dictionary:
Scenario in which two individuals are brought together in some unlikely, zany, destined-to-fall-in-love-and-be-together-forever sort of way (the more unusual, the better).
The way the characters meet in "Serendipity" or "When Harry Met Sally" or at least half the romantic comedies out there.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
October Disaster #2
So last Saturday I hung out with Marwan again. This time we went to October Disaster #2 that was held by The Rebel Union at Karamunsing Room. Headlining the gig was Tres Empre, a 5-piece Post Hardcore band from Kuala Lumpur. The other performers were all local bands from various places in Sabah (mostly Papar if I'm not mistaken), including Prime Focus (Progressive Metal), The Jethroes (Scandi Rock), Eyes Full of Insects and Plumfield (Grunge), to name a few. As usual, I'm too lazy to describe the event in detail, so I will just post some of the pictures taken during the show. Btw, my favourite performers that day were Prime Focus, Plumfield and of course, Tres Empre. It was my first time seeing Prime Focus and Tres Empre on stage (heck, it was the first time I've heard their music as well!) and it was really surprising to find out that I apparently enjoy these two different genre of music. They were really energetic and refreshing to see! Maybe I've gone to too many similar gigs with the same old bands all over again, therefore October Disaster #2 was just what I needed to replenish my dying interest in attending local music events. Cough cough.
Here goes. Sori, malas mo edit. Zzzz....
P/S: Read more about the event on Langau.net by Bro Langau
Here goes. Sori, malas mo edit. Zzzz....
P/S: Read more about the event on Langau.net by Bro Langau
Emcee for the day, Bro Langau |
Plumfield |
Darn Phill (Melodychain's vox) on action |
Prime Focus. Sorry for the blurry image(s) |
The Jethroes |
Tres Empre |
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Ok, ini tipu jak! :P Kasabian's Sergio Pizzorno photo sourced from Zimbio |
And finally, my companion, Marwan! :)
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Kes Kusut: Untangled
Dear Pitty,
Thursday marked exactly 3 weeks after the accident involving Napoleon Dynamite (haven't I told you yet that I named my car after one of my all-time favourite movies, Napoleon Dynamite?) and a white Viva, which his owner R named Botak. In that 3 weeks we have become, well, acquaintances, and so far we have gone out for a movie outing once, together with his friend B who was with him at the time of the incident as well as my girls Farah and No Joke. We are even planning to go out for karaoke this weekend. Or in the near future. Crazy huh?
I guess I (or should I say Napoleon?) was fortunate enough to have been hit by someone who's willing to take the responsibility, well, simply because he was responsible for the accident in the first place. Both I and R were lucky because the accident only caused minor damages to both of our cars. I felt sorry that he had to bear all the repairing costs though, but again, we were lucky because we managed to find a workshop that I believe charged cheaper than most other workshops around KK, thanks to R's other friend who recommended the place to us. Not only that the price was low, they were super fast and efficient too! The result was very satisfactory and I DID NOT expect it to be that neat and clean. Kudos to Uncle Lim! (he's a Chinese muallaf lagi ok!) I must say that I felt a little prejudiced about the workshop at first, because it looks like, ntahlah, I don't even know how to describe the place. Jalan berlopak-lopak, berlubang-lubang, it doesn't look like a decent workshop at all. I was like, "What is this place....? You've got to be kidding me." But I agreed to leave Napoleon in Uncle Lim's hands anyway, something I'm glad I did, because he sounded so confident and something in his voice and manner made me confident in him too. "Perkara kecil jak bah ni", he said. He seemed to have kept his word. Napoleon looks as if nothing had happened to him (at least the part where he was hit). R's car too. He sent his car a week after Napoleon was sent to the workshop though. It took less than 2 days to finish each car. Awesomeness! Syukur alhamdulillah... In the future, should anything like this occurs again, I would already know where to go. I'm even considering sending Napoleon back to the workshop, which is located in Taman Inanam Jaya, to fix the minor scratches on his front bumper and right passenger door. Next month, maybe? Tengok lah camana nanti Pitty.
Thursday marked exactly 3 weeks after the accident involving Napoleon Dynamite (haven't I told you yet that I named my car after one of my all-time favourite movies, Napoleon Dynamite?) and a white Viva, which his owner R named Botak. In that 3 weeks we have become, well, acquaintances, and so far we have gone out for a movie outing once, together with his friend B who was with him at the time of the incident as well as my girls Farah and No Joke. We are even planning to go out for karaoke this weekend. Or in the near future. Crazy huh?
I guess I (or should I say Napoleon?) was fortunate enough to have been hit by someone who's willing to take the responsibility, well, simply because he was responsible for the accident in the first place. Both I and R were lucky because the accident only caused minor damages to both of our cars. I felt sorry that he had to bear all the repairing costs though, but again, we were lucky because we managed to find a workshop that I believe charged cheaper than most other workshops around KK, thanks to R's other friend who recommended the place to us. Not only that the price was low, they were super fast and efficient too! The result was very satisfactory and I DID NOT expect it to be that neat and clean. Kudos to Uncle Lim! (he's a Chinese muallaf lagi ok!) I must say that I felt a little prejudiced about the workshop at first, because it looks like, ntahlah, I don't even know how to describe the place. Jalan berlopak-lopak, berlubang-lubang, it doesn't look like a decent workshop at all. I was like, "What is this place....? You've got to be kidding me." But I agreed to leave Napoleon in Uncle Lim's hands anyway, something I'm glad I did, because he sounded so confident and something in his voice and manner made me confident in him too. "Perkara kecil jak bah ni", he said. He seemed to have kept his word. Napoleon looks as if nothing had happened to him (at least the part where he was hit). R's car too. He sent his car a week after Napoleon was sent to the workshop though. It took less than 2 days to finish each car. Awesomeness! Syukur alhamdulillah... In the future, should anything like this occurs again, I would already know where to go. I'm even considering sending Napoleon back to the workshop, which is located in Taman Inanam Jaya, to fix the minor scratches on his front bumper and right passenger door. Next month, maybe? Tengok lah camana nanti Pitty.
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Looking (as if) brand new! Woohoo! |
Would you like to know about something that is more interesting, Pitty? R's friend, B, is apparently one of the well-known bloggers in Sabah. He is in fact the person behind the now inactive We Are Sabahan BloggerMania (WSB) community, which sadly I'm not part of due to my late involvement in the blogosphere. (It was too late for me to join because by the time I wanted to do so, the community is already, well, dead). The Facebook page of WSB, however, is still updated from time to time, based on my observation. And I, apparently, have been following his blog since I don't even know when. I only realized this fact the day after going out for the movie Left Behind, which sucked, with them on Monday night. How did I come to the realization? I think I'll save the deets to myself. I'm so sorry Pitty. That's one of the disadvantages about blogging. You cannot really tell EVERYTHING as there is always that issue with privacy and confidentiality. And I am just not the type who feels the need to attract unwanted attention to my blog or myself as a whole. I think that is also one of the reasons why I still prefer the old-fashioned diary writing as it allows unlimited ability to express, write or doodle without having to consider the feelings or concerns of the other party you are writing or doodling about. The only concern you have with a diary is if someone would find it. And read it. Ironic, isn't it?
I say it's interesting because... of all 911 of his followers, they "bumped into" Napoleon, which happens to be the car of yours truly. Is it fate? It must be. What for and why? I don't know. I cannot tell. It is... almost like a serendipity. It is a serendipity. But it's not love that we found. It's friendship, which I hope is going to last. I have said it many times before Pitty, and I'll say it again. I believe that things happen for a reason, which I may discover soon or years from now, if Allah wills it. There are more things actually Pitty, but I'm sorry again that I think I mustn't disclose to you here. All I can say is that it is very interesting how one event leads to another and what it eventually reveals to me. God really does work in mysterious ways. For now, I'm just happy that I gained new friends instead of foes. And that the "kes kusut" is now untangled. Alhamdulillah. :)
Until next time (Serendi)Pitty! :P
Sincerely yours,
Monday, September 29, 2014
Word of the Day: Meatspace
According to Wiktionary:
1. (Internet often derogatory) The physical world, as opposed to the virtual world of the Internet.
According to Dictionary.com:
1. (slang) The real physical world, as contrasted with with the world of cyberspace.
According to Urban Dictionary:
1. noun. A term, originating from cyberpunk fiction and culture, referring to the real (that is, not virtual) world, the world of flesh and blood. Somewhat tongue-in-cheek. The opposite of cyberspace.
"Writers, who can go for three or four days at a time without talking to people in 'meatspace' are particularly attracted to this form of friendship." - Andrew Brown
2. Deriving from cyberpunk novels, meatspace is the world outside of the net -- that is to say, the real world, where you do things with your body rather than with your keyboard. William Gibson's novels (Neuromancer, Mona Lisa Overdrive, and Count Zero in particular) note the difference between the net of the console cowboys and the world of the meat outside.
"For many a true computer geek, moving through meatspace is a daunting prospect."
"SimStim was a meat toy, which is why Case had never been able to get into it."
1. (Internet often derogatory) The physical world, as opposed to the virtual world of the Internet.
According to Dictionary.com:
1. (slang) The real physical world, as contrasted with with the world of cyberspace.
According to Urban Dictionary:
1. noun. A term, originating from cyberpunk fiction and culture, referring to the real (that is, not virtual) world, the world of flesh and blood. Somewhat tongue-in-cheek. The opposite of cyberspace.
"Writers, who can go for three or four days at a time without talking to people in 'meatspace' are particularly attracted to this form of friendship." - Andrew Brown
2. Deriving from cyberpunk novels, meatspace is the world outside of the net -- that is to say, the real world, where you do things with your body rather than with your keyboard. William Gibson's novels (Neuromancer, Mona Lisa Overdrive, and Count Zero in particular) note the difference between the net of the console cowboys and the world of the meat outside.
"For many a true computer geek, moving through meatspace is a daunting prospect."
"SimStim was a meat toy, which is why Case had never been able to get into it."
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Former Schoolmate and Whatnots
It's another peaceful (read: boring) day in Mesapol, Sipitang. I wish I had a bike so I could go cycling around the neighbourhood in the evening (because jogging/walking requires a lot more effort and doesn't burn as much calories as cycling does. Excuses, excuses). Now I regularly go to the gym with Farah after work. There's a gym facility provided for public use (read: free, well at least for now) in the UTC building and me and Farah have been going there for around 2 months, give and take. I didn't know that I would enjoy going to the gym. It's good for me since I have been living a sedentary life for a very long time and I wouldn't want to be any fatter than I already am. Urgh. It's been a week since I got back here, so that means it's been a week I haven't been working out as well. I hope I can go back to KK this weekend because I feel like going to Bazzar (yes, that's how they spelled it) Music Fest that will take place at Starcity, KK on the 28th and 29th of September. Maybe I will ask Marwan to join me and Ain as well. Tengok lah nanti camana. :)
OK, who's Marwan? He is... Um... We went to the same primary and secondary schools. We were even classmates during primary school. Well, at least in Primary 6. So, um, we finally hung out 2 weeks ago at Fook Yuen, Asia City, but it wasn't just me and him. I tagged No Joke along, because it would've been awkward if I didn't. Farah was supposed to join us too but she cancelled at the last minute because she had to take her brother out for stationary shopping. Zzzz.... We've been chatting sometimes, prior to our meeting. I found him to be an okay guy. We talk about boring stuff like our lives, bla bla bla. I believe that he's not doing anything at the moment, but, he used to work in KL, he studied in MMU, Cyberjaya, he used to be in a band called... I forgot. Hehe. He doesn't smoke, he doesn't watch horror movies, he watches lots and lots of TV, he goes jamming alone, he plays guitar and drums, and he's quite a funny guy. Well, the Marwan I remember was a funny guy, kid. Hehe. Hmmm another thing about him is that he hates Sir Aminuddin, our former English teacher in Primary 6, whom I adored and still do until now. He was my favourite teacher. He was a really good teacher. Kids feared him. I feared him too, but at the same time I respected him. Even though he always rotan us if we forgot our books or didn't do our homework and teased us (the sole reason why Marwan hates him), somehow I found it very easy to understand what he taught. My English wasn't very good during the initial years of my primary school, I always got a B or C, never an A. But it was with Sir Aminuddin that I got my first A in English. And I have never received a lesser grade since. I have always thought to myself that if one day I'm going to be a teacher, I want to be able to teach like him. It was so easy to understand and since then English had become my favourite subject in school, thanks to Sir Aminuddin. :) Marwan told me that he's lecturing at UMS now. He found out about that little information from another former classmate of ours, Azril, who is now working at UMS.
Marwan vindictively said that if one day someone murders him, he would write down Sir Aminuddin's name using his blood on the floor or wall so that he would become the prime suspect. Buduh. Hahahahaha. What did Sir Aminuddin do that Marwan hates him so much? Well, I understand why Marwan feels that way towards my favourite teacher. It wasn't his fault. I would've felt the same way if I was in Marwan's place. I always felt sorry for Marwan every time Sir Aminuddin teased him about the way he walked. And I think because of that, the other kids thought that it was okay to make fun of him too. Okay, not so much of an ideal teacher, I know, but, I liked the way he taught okay, is that so wrong? And good for Marwan that he doesn't walk the way he used to anymore now. But so what if he still does? It doesn't matter. It doesn't make him a bad person. Making fun of someone does though. Because it equals to bullying. I hope that someday Marwan will be able to forgive Sir Aminuddin and I hope that Sir Aminuddin no longer makes fun of anyone for any reason anymore.
Well, okay, let's go back to the day that I hung out with Marwan. And No Joke. So after hours of chatting and laughing at his silly jokes, we went to see a movie, Lucy, which was a very lame movie, at Growball Cinemax, Centrepoint. No Joke seemed to enjoy it very much, it was in fact her second time, but me and Marwan thought it was a total BS. I could endure it only because of Scarlett Johansson. We went back home right after the movie. He was, sweet and all, thanking me for spending that Sunday night with him. I was like, yeah, sure man, it was a pleasure. I'm glad I brought No Joke with me, because honestly, we've never spoken to each other before. We only chat on Facebook. Itu pun kadang2 jak. Guys are weird. They acted like they didn't care about us, like we didn't exist in school, and suddenly they are acting all friendly with us years after we finished school. Jan Andris was like that as well. He recently got married if I'm not mistaken. I used to hate that guy because he was one of the boys at school who used to tease me and call me a poseur just because I like Nirvana and boy bands at the same time. Zzzz.... Well, I stopped listening to boy bands when I was in Form 2 or 3. Not because of the teasing, but because my music interest was getting more towards the alternative side of me. Hey, I started listening to alternative rock since a very young age okay! And I didn't have any brother (I have a brother but he's not into music) or sister who influenced me or anything. It was totally natural. I was born with it. Haha okay Nurul, okay!
Okay lah, it's almost 4 PM and I have yet to perform my Asar prayer. I feel like taking a walk or something. Until next time! :)
OK, who's Marwan? He is... Um... We went to the same primary and secondary schools. We were even classmates during primary school. Well, at least in Primary 6. So, um, we finally hung out 2 weeks ago at Fook Yuen, Asia City, but it wasn't just me and him. I tagged No Joke along, because it would've been awkward if I didn't. Farah was supposed to join us too but she cancelled at the last minute because she had to take her brother out for stationary shopping. Zzzz.... We've been chatting sometimes, prior to our meeting. I found him to be an okay guy. We talk about boring stuff like our lives, bla bla bla. I believe that he's not doing anything at the moment, but, he used to work in KL, he studied in MMU, Cyberjaya, he used to be in a band called... I forgot. Hehe. He doesn't smoke, he doesn't watch horror movies, he watches lots and lots of TV, he goes jamming alone, he plays guitar and drums, and he's quite a funny guy. Well, the Marwan I remember was a funny guy, kid. Hehe. Hmmm another thing about him is that he hates Sir Aminuddin, our former English teacher in Primary 6, whom I adored and still do until now. He was my favourite teacher. He was a really good teacher. Kids feared him. I feared him too, but at the same time I respected him. Even though he always rotan us if we forgot our books or didn't do our homework and teased us (the sole reason why Marwan hates him), somehow I found it very easy to understand what he taught. My English wasn't very good during the initial years of my primary school, I always got a B or C, never an A. But it was with Sir Aminuddin that I got my first A in English. And I have never received a lesser grade since. I have always thought to myself that if one day I'm going to be a teacher, I want to be able to teach like him. It was so easy to understand and since then English had become my favourite subject in school, thanks to Sir Aminuddin. :) Marwan told me that he's lecturing at UMS now. He found out about that little information from another former classmate of ours, Azril, who is now working at UMS.
Marwan vindictively said that if one day someone murders him, he would write down Sir Aminuddin's name using his blood on the floor or wall so that he would become the prime suspect. Buduh. Hahahahaha. What did Sir Aminuddin do that Marwan hates him so much? Well, I understand why Marwan feels that way towards my favourite teacher. It wasn't his fault. I would've felt the same way if I was in Marwan's place. I always felt sorry for Marwan every time Sir Aminuddin teased him about the way he walked. And I think because of that, the other kids thought that it was okay to make fun of him too. Okay, not so much of an ideal teacher, I know, but, I liked the way he taught okay, is that so wrong? And good for Marwan that he doesn't walk the way he used to anymore now. But so what if he still does? It doesn't matter. It doesn't make him a bad person. Making fun of someone does though. Because it equals to bullying. I hope that someday Marwan will be able to forgive Sir Aminuddin and I hope that Sir Aminuddin no longer makes fun of anyone for any reason anymore.
Well, okay, let's go back to the day that I hung out with Marwan. And No Joke. So after hours of chatting and laughing at his silly jokes, we went to see a movie, Lucy, which was a very lame movie, at Growball Cinemax, Centrepoint. No Joke seemed to enjoy it very much, it was in fact her second time, but me and Marwan thought it was a total BS. I could endure it only because of Scarlett Johansson. We went back home right after the movie. He was, sweet and all, thanking me for spending that Sunday night with him. I was like, yeah, sure man, it was a pleasure. I'm glad I brought No Joke with me, because honestly, we've never spoken to each other before. We only chat on Facebook. Itu pun kadang2 jak. Guys are weird. They acted like they didn't care about us, like we didn't exist in school, and suddenly they are acting all friendly with us years after we finished school. Jan Andris was like that as well. He recently got married if I'm not mistaken. I used to hate that guy because he was one of the boys at school who used to tease me and call me a poseur just because I like Nirvana and boy bands at the same time. Zzzz.... Well, I stopped listening to boy bands when I was in Form 2 or 3. Not because of the teasing, but because my music interest was getting more towards the alternative side of me. Hey, I started listening to alternative rock since a very young age okay! And I didn't have any brother (I have a brother but he's not into music) or sister who influenced me or anything. It was totally natural. I was born with it. Haha okay Nurul, okay!
Okay lah, it's almost 4 PM and I have yet to perform my Asar prayer. I feel like taking a walk or something. Until next time! :)
Friday, September 19, 2014
Hello Stranger(s)!
It's been months. (there was a several-minute pause here)
I meant to start this post as if I have never stopped blogging, as if I have been doing it every single day, but I haven't done it for so long I have completely forgotten how. I just deleted the 3 drafts I had been saving and been meaning to finish because I don't know what to do with them anymore. I might as well let this blog be defunct, but maybe I'm just another one of those cliched bloggers who started their blogs because everybody else is doing it and then stop and then blog again and then stop again and then blog again and then stop again and then blog again and then finally let the blog dies because keeping up the pretense and playing make-beliefs that you are a so-called writer/blogger has finally worn you out and proves to be a daunting task. Yup, daunting, for a lazy pig like me.
Many things happened between my last blog post and at least last week, but too bad I was too lazy to document them in this lame diary of mine. For instance, I BOUGHT MY FIRST CAR. Yes, I finally bought a car in July, meaning that it has been roughly 2 months since I drove the car back from the dealer to my house. The car is a MYVI, which I named Napoleon Dynamite (keh3), dark purple in colour, automatic (of course), and is already scarred (zzzzz). It got its first scratches on 2nd raya day, not once, but twice, at two different locations. I was so upset by it I even considered getting it repainted, but of course I didn't because I couldn't afford it. Kau ingat cat metalik murah???? Zzzzz.... The second incident was definitely my own fault, which made it all the more upsetting and irritating. It even caused a minor dent (luckily not so obvious) to the right back door. Ya ya I know, I was so stupid and reckless. Urgh. But I am getting better at driving now and my parking skills have improved, if not much, a little. More practice is required especially on the drum and violin. Omg. Oh. My. God. OH. MY. GOD. I swear I didn't mean to type that. DRUM AND VIOLIN???? What's got into you Nurul??? Argh, I am obviously very, very sleepy now. So I'm gonna call it a night. I'll continue tomorrow.
Good night!
I meant to start this post as if I have never stopped blogging, as if I have been doing it every single day, but I haven't done it for so long I have completely forgotten how. I just deleted the 3 drafts I had been saving and been meaning to finish because I don't know what to do with them anymore. I might as well let this blog be defunct, but maybe I'm just another one of those cliched bloggers who started their blogs because everybody else is doing it and then stop and then blog again and then stop again and then blog again and then stop again and then blog again and then finally let the blog dies because keeping up the pretense and playing make-beliefs that you are a so-called writer/blogger has finally worn you out and proves to be a daunting task. Yup, daunting, for a lazy pig like me.
Many things happened between my last blog post and at least last week, but too bad I was too lazy to document them in this lame diary of mine. For instance, I BOUGHT MY FIRST CAR. Yes, I finally bought a car in July, meaning that it has been roughly 2 months since I drove the car back from the dealer to my house. The car is a MYVI, which I named Napoleon Dynamite (keh3), dark purple in colour, automatic (of course), and is already scarred (zzzzz). It got its first scratches on 2nd raya day, not once, but twice, at two different locations. I was so upset by it I even considered getting it repainted, but of course I didn't because I couldn't afford it. Kau ingat cat metalik murah???? Zzzzz.... The second incident was definitely my own fault, which made it all the more upsetting and irritating. It even caused a minor dent (luckily not so obvious) to the right back door. Ya ya I know, I was so stupid and reckless. Urgh. But I am getting better at driving now and my parking skills have improved, if not much, a little. More practice is required especially on the drum and violin. Omg. Oh. My. God. OH. MY. GOD. I swear I didn't mean to type that. DRUM AND VIOLIN???? What's got into you Nurul??? Argh, I am obviously very, very sleepy now. So I'm gonna call it a night. I'll continue tomorrow.
Good night!
Tuesday, July 01, 2014
Ramadhan 1435H: Day 3
Lepas solat Isyak tadi aku kembali ke meja tulis di ruang tamu untuk menyambung kerja. Tapi seperti biasalah, aku akan membuka laman-laman media sosial seperti Facebook, Twitter dan Blogger terlebih dahulu. (Old bad habits die hard baby!). Scroll punya scroll timeline Facebook tu, ternampak seorang kawan mempost gambar makanan di bazar Ramadhan. I was like, huh? Weren't you the one who said that you would unfriend anyone who uploads food pictures this whole Ramadhan, especially before sungkai (berbuka/break fast) time? Now, now. Like I tweeted the other day, the world of Facebook is filled with irony and hypocrisy.
Monday, June 30, 2014
The Napoleon Dynamite Dudes
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From left: Napoleon Dynamite (Jon Heder), Kip Dynamite (Aaron Ruell), Pedro Sánchez (Efren Ramirez), Uncle Rico/Rico Dynamite (Jon Gries) |
These dudes are pretty cute, aren't they now? Especially lil Kip over there. I dunno, facial hair has always been a turn-on for me. Ngehehe. Okay Nurul, that's enough. Shut up and go to bed will ya?
Disclaimer: Image is labeled for reuse
Ramadhan 1435H: Day 1
It's Ramadhan again! :D I spent the first day of this year's Ramadhan with my granma. I got back here from KK on Saturday evening. Both my aunts aren't home, so I have to keep my granma company. Good that I'm here, because... My granma couldn't even remember that today we should be fasting, despite the fact that we had sahur together and that she had been reminded about it a few times. She even drank water while I was preparing sungkai meal this evening. I only realised when I saw her washing a glass at the sink. Sigh. So yep, I'm glad to be here with her and I know she is too.
I cooked ayam masak kurma! I can say that it tasted pretty good, considering that it was my first time cooking this dish and the fact that I couldn't taste the taste during the cooking process. Granma seemed to enjoy it. So yeah, congrats for not screwing up dinner Nurul! Hahaha.
What else did I do today? I watched some TV, did my laundry, took naps, and yep, that was it. By the way, I'm watching Napoleon Dynamite. Again. For the 500th time. Or something like that. Ally never returned the DVD to me. Along with some other movie DVDs. But it's okay. Cause I didn't return his DVDs too. Astro has been replaying Napoleon Dynamite lately. I recorded it. So I can watch it anytime I want now. Okay, that's all I think. Vote for Pedro! And uh yeah, happy fasting!
I cooked ayam masak kurma! I can say that it tasted pretty good, considering that it was my first time cooking this dish and the fact that I couldn't taste the taste during the cooking process. Granma seemed to enjoy it. So yeah, congrats for not screwing up dinner Nurul! Hahaha.
What else did I do today? I watched some TV, did my laundry, took naps, and yep, that was it. By the way, I'm watching Napoleon Dynamite. Again. For the 500th time. Or something like that. Ally never returned the DVD to me. Along with some other movie DVDs. But it's okay. Cause I didn't return his DVDs too. Astro has been replaying Napoleon Dynamite lately. I recorded it. So I can watch it anytime I want now. Okay, that's all I think. Vote for Pedro! And uh yeah, happy fasting!
Disclaimer: Image is labeled for reuse
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Bintukeduaismail: Random sharing ( hadith 6)
Bintukeduaismail: Random sharing ( hadith 6): Assalamualaikum, macam nak kongsi sikit lah mengenai hadis 6. so, basically hadis 6 ni pasal syubhat. Apa itu syubhat? Syubhat itu ialah be...
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
It's Just Another Random Rant Post
Sorang kawan aku pernah cakap, kebanyakan orang bertanya bukan sebab dorang betul2 kisah (care), tapi sebab sifat ingin tahu yg kadang2 aku rasa tidak kena tempat dan kadang2 lebih menjurus kepada sikap biadap. Dalam 10 orang yg baru aku jumpa, cuma satu orang atau TIADA yg akan tanya perihal nama aku. Dalam 10 orang yg baru aku jumpa, 9 orang atau SEMUA akan tanya tentang kerja, gaji, dan umur aku.
Bila orang tengok aku, kebanyakannya mesti ingat aku ni masih sekolah atau belajar. Dorang akan tanya, "Berapa umur kau?" dan bila aku kasi jawapannya, dorang akan cakap, "Eh, macam masih muda." atau "Eh, ya ka? Nda nampak oh." dan lepas tu dorang akan tanya pulak, "Suda kawin?" dan bila aku kasi jawapannya, dorang akan tanya, "Kenapa belum kawin? Mesti ko memilih ni kan?" atau "Ada boyfriend?" dan bila aku kasi jawapannya "Iya ka ni?" Bila aku kasi jawapannya, tanya lagi, "Ko kerja apa?", bila aku kasi jawapannya, dorang akan tanya "Bidang apa tu?", bila dikasi jawapannya, tanya lagi "Kerja di rumah? Online business kah?" Bila aku kasi jawapannya, "Ohh... jadi ko buat apa lah?" pastu tanya lagi "Berapa la gaji?" Dan bila dikasi jawapannya, tanya pulak "Gaji tetap ka? Bulan2 memang kena bayar?" dan bla bla bla bla bla bla bla. Dan dalam banyak2 soalan yg dorang tanya tu, macam aku cakap tadi, selalunya tiada pun yg akan bertanya "Siapa nama kau?"
Kenapa orang susah sangat mo tanya pasal nama kita? Benda tu nda penting kah? Kalau nda penting, kenapa kita dikasi nama? Kenapa ibu bapa kita mau penat2 fikir apa nama yg mau dikasi sama anak dorang? Kenapa kita mau penat2 fikir apa nama yg mau dikasi sama anak kita? Kenapa? Segan? Kekok? Janggal? Kalau itu jawapannya (BACA: alasannya), kenapa nda rasa segan, kekok dan janggal pula bila tanya pasal gaji orang lah, pasal status perkahwinan lah, kenapa masih belum ada boyfriend lah apa lah? KENAPA? Ndakah lebih elok dan sopan bila kita mulakan perbualan dengan bertanya nama dulu sebelum tanya benda2 yg lain? Nama panggilan pun cukup lah. Serius aku cakap, aku memang nda suka berbicara soal gaji dan kerja aku terutama sama orang2 yg baru aku jumpa (nama dia pun aku nda tau, tapi macam2 pulak dia tanya pasal aku). Kadang2 memang aku akan sampuk pertanyaan2 dorang tu dengan bertanya nama dorang. "Ratna", "Nas", "Syerina", dan beberapa orang lagi lah yg aku pun nda ingat namanya. Walaupun aku nda ingat, sekurang2nya, aku tanya. Dan banyak2 orang yg aku tanya nama dorang tu, tiada satu orang pun yg aku tanya pasal GAJI. Ada apa dengan gaji? Kenapa mesti orang mau tau? Aku memang nda akan tanya kecuali kalau aku mau apply kerja tu. Ada sekali tu, sorang cashier Giant, di sanalah orang mo bayar barang2 yg dibeli, sanalah juga tanya segala soalan pasal kerja DAN gaji aku. Bukan aku kenal pun! Serius, aku nda selesa dengan soalan2 macam tu dan aku memang terus akan label manusia spesis ini sebagai RUDE, INAPPROPRIATE dan INSENSITIVE.
Rasanya boleh la aku simpulkan apa yg kawan aku cakap tu memang betul. Most people ask questions not because they really care, but because they are curious. Iya. Memang. Semua cuma mau feed dorang punya curiosity atau ego jak. Ataupun mungkin dorang ni adalah pengidap "penyakit" inferiority/superiority complex. Bukan pasal betul2 mau ambil tau atau peduli pun. Iya. Sedih kan bila fikir? People don't care about people. They are curious, but they couldn't care less.
Nah, lain kali, bila ada orang tanya kamu, "Kenapa masih belum kawin?" kamu jawab jak, "Tanyalah Tuhan."
Bila orang tengok aku, kebanyakannya mesti ingat aku ni masih sekolah atau belajar. Dorang akan tanya, "Berapa umur kau?" dan bila aku kasi jawapannya, dorang akan cakap, "Eh, macam masih muda." atau "Eh, ya ka? Nda nampak oh." dan lepas tu dorang akan tanya pulak, "Suda kawin?" dan bila aku kasi jawapannya, dorang akan tanya, "Kenapa belum kawin? Mesti ko memilih ni kan?" atau "Ada boyfriend?" dan bila aku kasi jawapannya "Iya ka ni?" Bila aku kasi jawapannya, tanya lagi, "Ko kerja apa?", bila aku kasi jawapannya, dorang akan tanya "Bidang apa tu?", bila dikasi jawapannya, tanya lagi "Kerja di rumah? Online business kah?" Bila aku kasi jawapannya, "Ohh... jadi ko buat apa lah?" pastu tanya lagi "Berapa la gaji?" Dan bila dikasi jawapannya, tanya pulak "Gaji tetap ka? Bulan2 memang kena bayar?" dan bla bla bla bla bla bla bla. Dan dalam banyak2 soalan yg dorang tanya tu, macam aku cakap tadi, selalunya tiada pun yg akan bertanya "Siapa nama kau?"
Kenapa orang susah sangat mo tanya pasal nama kita? Benda tu nda penting kah? Kalau nda penting, kenapa kita dikasi nama? Kenapa ibu bapa kita mau penat2 fikir apa nama yg mau dikasi sama anak dorang? Kenapa kita mau penat2 fikir apa nama yg mau dikasi sama anak kita? Kenapa? Segan? Kekok? Janggal? Kalau itu jawapannya (BACA: alasannya), kenapa nda rasa segan, kekok dan janggal pula bila tanya pasal gaji orang lah, pasal status perkahwinan lah, kenapa masih belum ada boyfriend lah apa lah? KENAPA? Ndakah lebih elok dan sopan bila kita mulakan perbualan dengan bertanya nama dulu sebelum tanya benda2 yg lain? Nama panggilan pun cukup lah. Serius aku cakap, aku memang nda suka berbicara soal gaji dan kerja aku terutama sama orang2 yg baru aku jumpa (nama dia pun aku nda tau, tapi macam2 pulak dia tanya pasal aku). Kadang2 memang aku akan sampuk pertanyaan2 dorang tu dengan bertanya nama dorang. "Ratna", "Nas", "Syerina", dan beberapa orang lagi lah yg aku pun nda ingat namanya. Walaupun aku nda ingat, sekurang2nya, aku tanya. Dan banyak2 orang yg aku tanya nama dorang tu, tiada satu orang pun yg aku tanya pasal GAJI. Ada apa dengan gaji? Kenapa mesti orang mau tau? Aku memang nda akan tanya kecuali kalau aku mau apply kerja tu. Ada sekali tu, sorang cashier Giant, di sanalah orang mo bayar barang2 yg dibeli, sanalah juga tanya segala soalan pasal kerja DAN gaji aku. Bukan aku kenal pun! Serius, aku nda selesa dengan soalan2 macam tu dan aku memang terus akan label manusia spesis ini sebagai RUDE, INAPPROPRIATE dan INSENSITIVE.
Rasanya boleh la aku simpulkan apa yg kawan aku cakap tu memang betul. Most people ask questions not because they really care, but because they are curious. Iya. Memang. Semua cuma mau feed dorang punya curiosity atau ego jak. Ataupun mungkin dorang ni adalah pengidap "penyakit" inferiority/superiority complex. Bukan pasal betul2 mau ambil tau atau peduli pun. Iya. Sedih kan bila fikir? People don't care about people. They are curious, but they couldn't care less.
Nah, lain kali, bila ada orang tanya kamu, "Kenapa masih belum kawin?" kamu jawab jak, "Tanyalah Tuhan."
Yo peopleeee!!! I passed my JPJ retest!!! Alhamdulillah.... I was so happyyyyy I AM happyyyyy :D :D :D Kepada Encik Pegawai JPJ yg test aku semalam tu, kaulah yg paling hensem di dunia ni!! Hahahahaha thank youuuuuuu :) :) :) I can't wait to get my hands on my P licence!!! :D :D :D
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Randomly Ranting
It's 9.13 PM. I just finished another can of the Verve energy drink my Aunt Tipah brought. Maybe I shouldn't have. I'm at my granma's. I was home alone the whole day. My Aunt Inah and her husband arrived at Maghrib. My Aunt Tipah, Ucu and their kids have flown back to KL yesterday. I went back to Sipitang with my Aunt Tam after sending them to the airport. Finally, some peace and quiet in this house. I did write that I hate feeling lonely especially in this house before, but... I've had enough of my nuisance cousins. So, yeah, I'm glad they're gone. Fuh. I don't really have anything to write, but I feel like writing. I know I'd better use the time I have to continue translating E***a's thesis abstract, but..... I simply don't feel like doing that. She asked me to e-mail it back to her by the beginning of this week, but I dunno, I just don't feel the sense of urgency to do it. Actually, I have done the translation for the same abstract like I dunno, so long ago, and E***a mentioned it too. But she said she lost it and that there are some changes anyway. Urgh. Why did I agree to it? It's actually not much, just a few paragraphs, but I dunno, I guess I'm just lazy. Really? If I'm really lazy then why the heck am I doing what I am doing right now? Why am I not in bed? Maybe I'm just being a bad friend. Or maybe I'm just sick of having people expecting or wanting something from me. Whenever someone texts me it's because they want something from me. Money. Time. Energy. I didn't mean to "mengungkit", but I'm just a human being with limited resources even for myself. Is it a sin for me to feel sick and tired of it all?
To add to that, J*n recently assigned me another DARS task. So I have 2 DARSes and 1 WARS to write now. Both DARSes have the same deadline. Stupid, I know. But I agreed to it. I don't know why. B*********y people have always sucked at delegating tasks anyway. So perhaps, I'm used to it. So far, I'm doing pretty good. A*qa even told me that my writing is good and that they hope I could be promoted as a SMRA soon. How do I feel about it? Honestly, I think it's great! I'm fine with the writing tasks because it makes me feel like I could be counted on, dependable, able. It somehow boosts my confidence and whenever I produced a good report I felt good, satisfied. At least I know that my team is happy with what I'm doing. Plus, I'm sick of ticket clearing. A*na, however, was concerned if they're just taking advantage of me because I never said no. Whenever people ask for my help, I will always say yes. Most of the time, not because I really want to or like to do it, but because nobody else could. I really need to learn how to say no. No, that doesn't sound right. I really need to practice saying NO once in a while. Yes, that sounds more accurate.
Do I sound like I'm contradicting myself? Or confused? I meant to rant and complain about my work and people, but it ended up very differently. Whatever. Now I better end this entry, finish my laundry and go to bed. Tomorrow is going to be another busy Monday (I will be fasting tomorrow. Puasa ganti) and Tuesday will be my JPJ retest. I really hope I'll pass this time. Insha Allah.
To add to that, J*n recently assigned me another DARS task. So I have 2 DARSes and 1 WARS to write now. Both DARSes have the same deadline. Stupid, I know. But I agreed to it. I don't know why. B*********y people have always sucked at delegating tasks anyway. So perhaps, I'm used to it. So far, I'm doing pretty good. A*qa even told me that my writing is good and that they hope I could be promoted as a SMRA soon. How do I feel about it? Honestly, I think it's great! I'm fine with the writing tasks because it makes me feel like I could be counted on, dependable, able. It somehow boosts my confidence and whenever I produced a good report I felt good, satisfied. At least I know that my team is happy with what I'm doing. Plus, I'm sick of ticket clearing. A*na, however, was concerned if they're just taking advantage of me because I never said no. Whenever people ask for my help, I will always say yes. Most of the time, not because I really want to or like to do it, but because nobody else could. I really need to learn how to say no. No, that doesn't sound right. I really need to practice saying NO once in a while. Yes, that sounds more accurate.
Do I sound like I'm contradicting myself? Or confused? I meant to rant and complain about my work and people, but it ended up very differently. Whatever. Now I better end this entry, finish my laundry and go to bed. Tomorrow is going to be another busy Monday (I will be fasting tomorrow. Puasa ganti) and Tuesday will be my JPJ retest. I really hope I'll pass this time. Insha Allah.
Thursday, June 12, 2014
She's Not Okay
My sister.... She's not okay...... :( I wish I was there to look after her. Maybe I should consider relocating to KL? Or to be exact, Kota Puteri, Kuala Selangor. Should I?
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Song of the Day: This Road is Long by The Lost Patrol
"You were born to quit,
You gave good guys a bad name."
Gasak dek kaulah: Noted. Thanks.
Gasak dek kaulah: Noted. Thanks.: 'Personally think that the reply 'Noted. Thanks' in emails is extremely rude'. My friend and I shut up instantly. All the ...
Sunday, June 08, 2014
My Life For the Past 1 Week in Bullet Points
Since I have no time to write lengthy, wordy posts lately, here are what happened in my life for the past 1 week in bullet points:
And yup, that's it!
P/S: Whoever and wherever you are that's reading this, I beg for your kindness to pray for my sister's health and wellness. Please please please pray that God will protect her from any serious illness and harm. May God bless you, may God bless us.
- 1 June - My Aunt Inah got married. Yay!
- 2 June - Fatin returned to KL
- 3 June - I failed my JPJ test (the road part. Wait, what???). The retest will be on 17 June. Please please please wish me luck!
- 7 June - Farhan got engaged and after the event, which took place in Sabindo, I went back home with mama
- 8 June - Went out to KK for some errands: Went to Karamunsing to send my laptop to the place I bought it from to activate my Microsoft Office. Asked them to remove the pre-installed Avast antivirus since I installed the McAfee antivirus as this could cause the computer to crash or slow down but apparently they uninstalled BOTH. Luckily I found out that my computer already has a built-in antivirus, which is Windows Defender, and I don't need antivirus from other provider(s); Bought some personal necessities such as lotion, facial foam, facial moisturiser, deodorant, etc etc; Had lunch at Singapore Chicken Rice (SCR) - the food and drink were nice; Went to Centrepoint; Purchased a ticket to the movie Maleficent; Went to Coffee Bean for a drink while waiting for the movie time; While at Coffee Bean, I found out from Fatin's boyfriend that she fell down the stairs at my Aunt Tipah's house (she went there yesterday to take her stuff back to Unisel today. My Aunt Tipah and her kids are still at my granma's). I immediately called her and she said that she wasn't wounded but she did hit her head on the floor a little. Little or not I'm still worried okay!!! If I were there I would've taken her to see the doctor PRONTO! Because of the fall, she didn't go back to Unisel today and will only go back tomorrow with a taxi. I told her to rest and just skip her classes for a day or two if she doesn't feel well. I'm so worried about her :(; Went to watch Maleficent (I didn't really feel like going anymore after knowing about Fatin's fall but since I already bought the ticket, I went to watch it anyway, with a heavy heart :( ) The movie was good. I loved it; Returned home; Made payment for the owl tote bag I ordered from a former schoolmate
And yup, that's it!
P/S: Whoever and wherever you are that's reading this, I beg for your kindness to pray for my sister's health and wellness. Please please please pray that God will protect her from any serious illness and harm. May God bless you, may God bless us.
Friday, May 30, 2014
Good News vs Bad News Part II
Fatin. Yep. She is one of my biggest worries right now. Remember my post about her headaches the other day? My mom took her to the hospital the day I went back to KK last week. So the good news was, it's not cancer. Bad news was, it's brain virus infection. I don't know how serious her situation is or if it's contagious or not, because I wasn't with her every time my mom took her to the doctor (she had been to the hospital for this reason twice so far). I'm not even sure if she had been diagnosed or not. I did some reading, and I found that acute brain infection is not very contagious, whatever that means.
I quote, "Unlike the flu or the common cold, which can be transmitted by casual contact or by simply breathing the air in the same room with an infected person, most of the bacteria causing meningitis are not very contagious. It would take the exchange of respiratory and throat secretions, from coughing, sneezing, or kissing, to spread the bacteria. The only exception is meningococcal meningitis. Anyone in the same household, or who had a prolonged contact, or was in direct contact with a person's oral secretions would be considered at increased risk of contracting the infection. People who have been exposed in this manner should receive preventive antibiotics." Click here for the full article.
I quote, "Unlike the flu or the common cold, which can be transmitted by casual contact or by simply breathing the air in the same room with an infected person, most of the bacteria causing meningitis are not very contagious. It would take the exchange of respiratory and throat secretions, from coughing, sneezing, or kissing, to spread the bacteria. The only exception is meningococcal meningitis. Anyone in the same household, or who had a prolonged contact, or was in direct contact with a person's oral secretions would be considered at increased risk of contracting the infection. People who have been exposed in this manner should receive preventive antibiotics." Click here for the full article.
The doctor gave her many medicines, which I've never seen in my life before, but I don't think the doctor gave her any antibiotics. So... I shouldn't worry about it being contagious yet, right? But I'm still so worried about her. I don't even know what to do. She still screams in her sleep. In fact, she's screaming right now. I hope she took her medications before she went to bed. She's supposed to take them before bedtime. What I'm worried about the most is, who would look after her when she's in Unisel? She's going back to her uni next Monday. I'm so worried. Her stubbornness is making me worried even worse. Sometimes I'm not even sure if she took all her medicines as advised by the doctor. Ada jak alasan dia. Ubat tu limited la, kena jimat2 makan, ubat tahan sakit nda boleh campur2 dengan yg lain lah, ubat ni makan bila perlu jak lah apa lah. I wish I was with her during her check-ups. When I asked mom, she only said, "Ok, tiada apa2 jugak. Doktor suruh Fatin makan ubat jak." The thing is, IS SHE TAKING HER MEDICINES???? If she is, then why the hell is she screaming in pain right now??? And btw, she lost 6 KG! Now losing weight because you're on diet is a good thing, but losing weight abruptly like this is not an occasion we should be celebrating. I quote again, "Unexplained weight loss or losing weight without trying - particularly if it's significant or persistent - can be a symptom of an underlying medical disorder." Click here for the full article.
Dad said, if it is really what it is, we shouldn't be surprised if one day an operation is required. He added that it is going be to very risky. It could either make Fatin paralyzed or be the cause of her... death.... It gives me chills whenever I think about it. I don't even want to imagine it. :( Maybe I'm just being paranoid, maybe I'm just overreacting like I usually do, maybe I'm just catastrophizing this situation, but tell me, shouldn't I be worried? Wouldn't you?
Learn to Drive: Qualifying Test at the Institute (QTI)
So... My QTI... Hmmm... I passed. Yay (in a flat, unexcited tone). To be honest, not so successfully though. I couldn't do the hill at one shot (and so did at least 5 other people), but luckily, we were given another shot. The man who observed (and marked) us said that if it was a JPJ test, we wouldn't have a second chance. *gasps* I better do better next Tuesday. My mistake was, I didn't press the accelerator enough so that made me slide down backwards. Urgh. Okay, okay, I'll make sure I won't do it again during my JPJ test. Andddddd.... I was given the third chance during the side parking test. The poles! Arrgghhh I hate those poles! The butt of the car kissed one of the poles just as I was getting out of the parking lot, meaning, I did park successfully! Urgh, those evil, evil poles. I secretly hoped that they didn't notice it and I proceeded to do the 3-point turn. I did this part so smoothly. When I went to our observer (a different dude this time; Saiful and Encik Sabri was watching too uhuhu - he also watched during the hill test - malu mak nyah!) to take the green QTI paper, they said, "Kenapa kau langgar tu tiang tadi? Nasib tidak jatuh. Kalau JPJ test fail tu." I was like "Iya.... hee..." yet, they still gave me a pass. Hehehehe. I consider it my luck? Syukur alhamdulillah... Hee... Thanking them, I left and joined the others who had finished their first part of the test outside the office to wait for the second part, the final part, the road test part. I wasn't too nervous about the road test. I think it was the easiest part of all. I got 18/20. Not bad. Not bad at all. My mistakes were 1) signal; not using signal while at the roundabout (trust me, nobody had told me this during my driving lessons, zzzz) and not giving signal before reaching the corner. 2) gear; the tester said that I didn't use the right gear for the right speed. I was like, what? I thought I had done pretty well at that. Well, ndapalah, I was given too many chances today anyway. Hehe. I hope that my luck won't run out for the JPJ test, but, I will do my BEST. Insha Allah, I will PASS not because I'm LUCKY, but because I truly DESERVE it. I'm very grateful to Allah for allowing me to pass my QTI. Thank youuuuu sooooo much Allah! I love You! :)
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Learn to Drive: LAST DAY!
So I had my FINAL driving lesson yesterday. It went well (but I did drop THREE poles while doing the side parking for the second time arrrggghhhhh). Other than that, everything was okay. So I'll have my Qualifying Test at the Institute (QTI or more commonly known as pre-test) this Thursday which is TOMORROW, while my JPJ test is going to be on the following Tuesday (3rd June), provided I pass the QTI. I'll be on a half day leave in the morning tomorrow because I have to be there by 9 AM. I'm going to make it count! I'm going to nail it! Yes, I CAN!
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Learn to Drive: Day 15 & 16
I think I did okay last Saturday and today. I think I'm doing alright circuit-wise. I just got a little nervous every time Encik Sabri rides the car with me when doing the hill so I tend to let the car slide backwards. But if I do it alone, I can do it very smoothly, like I feel more confident doing it alone. I have to overcome this like ASAP because my JPJ test is coming soon this 3rd of June. Another thing is that I tend to switch gear from 3 to 2 whenever I'm nearing the school/hospital area. Apparently, I don't have to this do but I just need to slow the speed down. I tend to forget that. Zzzzz.... Encik Sabri was like a bit agitated today. Not that I was butthurt or anything, not at all. But I noticed that he was a little worked up today. He mentioned that another student of his complained about something (he didn't say what), so I assume that was what got him into the mood he was in today. The thing about Encik Sabri is, I never felt like he was scolding me whenever he thought he was doing that. That's how cool he is. Like today he said to me, "Bukan aku mau marah, aku cuma kasi ingat kau seja sebab kau selalu lupa." Hehehe, sorry Encik Sabri. I was like (dalam hati), "That was you scolding me?" Lol. For some reason I don't feel intimidated by him, and it's a very very good and important thing to me.
I can't come for practice this Saturday, but I'll try my best to make it on Sunday evening. I'm going back to KK tomorrow morning (I'm on annual leave today until Friday, so yay for me! :P). Farah's engagement day is on Saturday. So I will be spending tomorrow afternoon and Friday to find gifts for her and Macik Inah as well as baju kurung for myself. I hope can find something nice for less than RM100 (baju kurung). The cheaper the better. Yeah, I'm frugal like that. Ahaha.
Fatin is going back to KL on 2nd June, morning. Syukur alhamdulillah she already received a scholarship offer from MARA. That is surely going to help her a lot. :) And btw, AirA*** owes her RM400 for the baggage delay the other day. Luckily I bought the travel insurance. I always buy travel insurance because I'm aware of how important it is. See? Nda rugi pun beli, hehe. It's gonna be very busy weeks this coming 3 weeks. I'm gonna have to rush back to Sipitang after Farah's engagement because this weekend we're gonna start arranging stuff for Macik Inah's wedding next weekend. And the following weekend would be Farhan's engagement. Not to mention, my FINAL driving class (hurray!) as well as pre-driving and JPJ tests in between. Pergh. I hope everything will go smoothly. Insha Allah.
Oklah, I guess that's all for today. It's almost maghrib. And I need to pack my clothes too. See you later alligator.
P/S: The word "AirA***" was censored because I don't want people from the company I'm working with to find my blog post. If you must know, AirA*** is one of our clients so censoring the word is necessary for me so that this blog post won't be captured in our system. I wouldn't want my colleagues to be reading my stupid blog, would I? Zzzzz....
I can't come for practice this Saturday, but I'll try my best to make it on Sunday evening. I'm going back to KK tomorrow morning (I'm on annual leave today until Friday, so yay for me! :P). Farah's engagement day is on Saturday. So I will be spending tomorrow afternoon and Friday to find gifts for her and Macik Inah as well as baju kurung for myself. I hope can find something nice for less than RM100 (baju kurung). The cheaper the better. Yeah, I'm frugal like that. Ahaha.
Fatin is going back to KL on 2nd June, morning. Syukur alhamdulillah she already received a scholarship offer from MARA. That is surely going to help her a lot. :) And btw, AirA*** owes her RM400 for the baggage delay the other day. Luckily I bought the travel insurance. I always buy travel insurance because I'm aware of how important it is. See? Nda rugi pun beli, hehe. It's gonna be very busy weeks this coming 3 weeks. I'm gonna have to rush back to Sipitang after Farah's engagement because this weekend we're gonna start arranging stuff for Macik Inah's wedding next weekend. And the following weekend would be Farhan's engagement. Not to mention, my FINAL driving class (hurray!) as well as pre-driving and JPJ tests in between. Pergh. I hope everything will go smoothly. Insha Allah.
Oklah, I guess that's all for today. It's almost maghrib. And I need to pack my clothes too. See you later alligator.
P/S: The word "AirA***" was censored because I don't want people from the company I'm working with to find my blog post. If you must know, AirA*** is one of our clients so censoring the word is necessary for me so that this blog post won't be captured in our system. I wouldn't want my colleagues to be reading my stupid blog, would I? Zzzzz....
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
I did a lot of net surfing/blog walking today (while working, cough cough) and from various blogs to Wak Doyok (Wak who?) to Tweed Run (tweed what?) and finally, THIS made me stop!
This AWESOME The Beatles Yellow Submarine collection from VANS!!! Oh my, I WANNNNNTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!! Forget Doc Martens! GIVE. ME. THESEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! Arrrrggghhhhh I'm going crazy here!!! I feel like flying to KL tomorrow and grab one or two or three of these babiessss huwaaaaaa I seriously want these!!!!! But if I had to choose only ONE pair I would definitely go for the high cut one! Oh how I wish I was in KL right at this moment........ :(
This AWESOME The Beatles Yellow Submarine collection from VANS!!! Oh my, I WANNNNNTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!! Forget Doc Martens! GIVE. ME. THESEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! Arrrrggghhhhh I'm going crazy here!!! I feel like flying to KL tomorrow and grab one or two or three of these babiessss huwaaaaaa I seriously want these!!!!! But if I had to choose only ONE pair I would definitely go for the high cut one! Oh how I wish I was in KL right at this moment........ :(
Disclaimer: All images belong to VANS Malaysia
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Throwback Thursday: Fek Bagon!
Today I'd like to talk about "Fek Bagon". What is Fek Bagon, you ask? It's some kind of a game, which I believe is familiar among most Sabahans. How is it played, you ask? Well, it requires at least 2 players; a "feker" and a "fekee" and a Volkswagen Beetle car. Hahaha sorry, it's really hard to describe the word "fek" in English (or any other language for that matter) because this word really only exists in Sabah (as far as I'm concerned), but I'll try my best.
"Fek" (verb) is an act where the feker hits (with only a little force and not meant to hurt) the fekee's head using his/her index and middle fingers. "Bagon" (noun) is a word used by Sabahans to refer to the Volkswagen Beetle car, which is my favourite car. :) This game has only one rule; who spots the Bagon first is the only one who gets to be the feker. So it's like this, when one of the two people sees a Volkswagen Beetle car, s/he will "fek" the other person's head and say "Fek Bagon!" at the same time. This game is typically impromptu and the players will never really see it coming, which makes it all the more fun and exciting, depending on the fekee's mood. Hahaha. I used to love playing this silly game with my ex-boyfriend and I have to admit that it is one of the veeeeeeeery few things that I miss about being with him bahahahaha. We would scramble to fek each other's heads when we saw a Bagon and it would usually turn into our silly little competition. I would fek his head as hard as possible. Well, because he was my boyfriend and it was funner that way hahaha. He always won the game though. And I would sulk because I was the one who introduced the game to him and Bagon is MY favourite car, not his. I found that Fek Bagon was more enjoyable in Ipoh and I believe this was a mutual thing between me and my ex-boyfriend. This is because we could find countless number of Bagon cars in Ipoh. Sometimes, more than 10 in a day! If we were lucky (or should I say the feker?), we could even spot 5 Bagons one after another within very little time in between. This is one of the many things I love about Ipoh.
Whenever we saw a Bagon car and we were not together, we would take a picture of the Bagon and MMS it saying "Fek bagon!" Hahaha. Memories. I stopped playing the game with him since I found out about his cheating. Hahaha. Memories. Zzzz.... But yeah, when I see a Bagon now it will definitely remind me of the good old times that we had. The times that were filled with silly fun and laughter. Those days. They feel so far away, like they were thousands of years ago, so far from my reach. Huh, sigh. I'm not trying to romanticize my ex-boyfriend okay, I'm simply trying to do a Throwback Thursday post here. And please don't get me wrong. I don't miss him, I just miss the memories. There is a difference okay! Anyway, here are some Volkswagen Beetle photos. Aren't they beauties? I would loooooooveeeeee to have one one day. Adorned with groovy-hippie-psychedelic airbrush painting. Huhhhh such a dream. Hahaha. Oklah. That's all and....... fek bagon (10X)! :P
Disclaimer: All images are labeled for reuse
"Fek" (verb) is an act where the feker hits (with only a little force and not meant to hurt) the fekee's head using his/her index and middle fingers. "Bagon" (noun) is a word used by Sabahans to refer to the Volkswagen Beetle car, which is my favourite car. :) This game has only one rule; who spots the Bagon first is the only one who gets to be the feker. So it's like this, when one of the two people sees a Volkswagen Beetle car, s/he will "fek" the other person's head and say "Fek Bagon!" at the same time. This game is typically impromptu and the players will never really see it coming, which makes it all the more fun and exciting, depending on the fekee's mood. Hahaha. I used to love playing this silly game with my ex-boyfriend and I have to admit that it is one of the veeeeeeeery few things that I miss about being with him bahahahaha. We would scramble to fek each other's heads when we saw a Bagon and it would usually turn into our silly little competition. I would fek his head as hard as possible. Well, because he was my boyfriend and it was funner that way hahaha. He always won the game though. And I would sulk because I was the one who introduced the game to him and Bagon is MY favourite car, not his. I found that Fek Bagon was more enjoyable in Ipoh and I believe this was a mutual thing between me and my ex-boyfriend. This is because we could find countless number of Bagon cars in Ipoh. Sometimes, more than 10 in a day! If we were lucky (or should I say the feker?), we could even spot 5 Bagons one after another within very little time in between. This is one of the many things I love about Ipoh.
Whenever we saw a Bagon car and we were not together, we would take a picture of the Bagon and MMS it saying "Fek bagon!" Hahaha. Memories. I stopped playing the game with him since I found out about his cheating. Hahaha. Memories. Zzzz.... But yeah, when I see a Bagon now it will definitely remind me of the good old times that we had. The times that were filled with silly fun and laughter. Those days. They feel so far away, like they were thousands of years ago, so far from my reach. Huh, sigh. I'm not trying to romanticize my ex-boyfriend okay, I'm simply trying to do a Throwback Thursday post here. And please don't get me wrong. I don't miss him, I just miss the memories. There is a difference okay! Anyway, here are some Volkswagen Beetle photos. Aren't they beauties? I would loooooooveeeeee to have one one day. Adorned with groovy-hippie-psychedelic airbrush painting. Huhhhh such a dream. Hahaha. Oklah. That's all and....... fek bagon (10X)! :P
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