I'm taking a short break from the Google Analytics Course and decided to do this for my blog content. This is me keeping my promise to myself to do a double-post whenever I missed 1 day of my daily blogging target, okay. So, here goes.
1. What song was or do you want to be for your first dance at your wedding?
My wedding ceremony was held at a mosque, the same day my husband and I were solemnised. We didn't have a banquet/hall reception. We didn't have that type of wedding, just like my wish for everything to be simple and easy. But if we had that kind of wedding, I would want Mazzy Star's Fade Into You to be playing during our first dance.
2. What song would make the best theme music for you?
Someday by The Strokes. It reminds me of my uni years when my roomie and I used to listen to The Strokes in her car all the time. Good old times.
3. What is the most irrational superstition you have?
I can't think of one at the moment. I guess I don't really believe in those kinds of things. But I'll get back to this in case I remember if I do have one.
4. What is the weirdest food combination you enjoy?
Sambal/jeruk/serondeng tuhau with instant noodles. Yum!
5. What is the stupidest thing you ever did on a dare?
Mmmmmm can't remember this one too! I'll get back to this. Lol. Sorry. Faktor usia kali. Hahaha.
6. What is the worst date you have ever been on?
Ugh. I cringe at being reminded of this. Okay. I was 17. I met this guy at the Kota Kinabalu library when I was studying for SPM. He saw me and asked for my name and number. Being a girl who didn't have any guy showing an interest for her (IRL) at the time, I felt flattered and excited that a guy (he was older, I think he was in his 20s at the time, he told me that he was studying at some university) finally asked for my phone number. So he contacted me that night and asked me out the next day. Excitedly (and stupidly), I agreed. To cut the story short, he ended up taking me to a staircase of a mall (Centrepoint I believe), we sat there and talked for a bit and then he tried to convince me to kiss him. When I refused, he asked me why did I agree to go out with him in the first place? I remember feeling so confused. Well, I thought, you liked me? He asked a couple more times but I still said no. So then we left and I went back home. I remember him asking me to go out with him again. I said okay. But he said, on one condition, he wanted us to kiss this time. YIKES! Of course I said NO. But then he asked again, why did I agree to go out with him again? And then I don't remember what I said next but we never went out again and I think that was the last I heard from him. I know. I was stupid to think that a guy really did like me. When I got older, I realised that he was a predator and a friggin' paedophile going after impressionable minors who didn't have a clue! He should be behind bars!!
7. Who is the most embarrassing person you had a crush on?
Haha okay. I remember this one. At that time, I was working at a local record store located at Wisma Merdeka to gain some pocket money after completing STPM and to fill my free time while waiting for my STPM results. There was this guy who was working at a Kenwood store (it's an electronics shop), he had a Chinese look, not sure what his race was but not Malay I guess. He wore Jack Purcell. That was what caught my eye apart from his looks. I nicknamed him Kenwood. Lol. The Kenwood store was located 1 level above the record store I was working at, and facing the record store. So I could easily watch him whenever he was hanging out outside the shop, which was also our main route to the food court. Lol. Hepi tul kalau time mau pi beli makanan tu bah. Ahahahaha. I've never told my colleagues that I had a crush on that guy, but it became obvious because they could see me staring upstairs from my standing point (we had our own stations designated by our boss so mine was at the centremost, very near the door so it was also the easiest spot where I could "stalk" him). Lol. There were 4 of us: me, Nor, Kak Nor, and Hana. So they used to tease me every time I looked up and they also liked to send me up to the food court to buy food for them. Lol. Of course I didn't mind. Sometimes Nor would accompany me and we would laugh tergedik-gedik when we saw him lol. It was fun. 😂
Eventually, it became obvious even for him too! HAHAHA. So I started noticing that he was also watching me whenever he was hanging out outside of the Kenwood store (this was his norm for a short break I guess). Until, one day, he came into OUR store!!! We were all so shocked by it and had to control our excited laughter. CAN YOU IMAGINE?? ROFL. But then, one day, Nor told me that he was actually married to a woman whom I sometimes saw with him. She was cute but chubby. A lot chubbier than me. And sometimes she gave me a knowing look, y'know, like, she knew what was going on. I've never even spoken to the guy, lol.
Okay, that wasn't the most embarrassing part to be honest. It was this: One day, I saw him laugh, and then I saw it. He didn't have teeth di tengah-tengah bahagian atas. 😅 My colleagues also knew. So they, Nor especially, started to tease me about it (sebenarnya Nor dan Kak Nor pun rongak jugak, so I tried not to make it seems like it was a big deal for fear of hurting their feelings lol. It's not like I have perfect teeth anyway. It is in fact, my BIGGEST insecurity). So to be honest, I didn't mind. It's just the teasing jak lah that made me feel embarrassed. And then I guess, it ended just like that. Actually, my crush on him ended not really because of that, but more due to him being married. So I respected that. I respected his wife. I'm sorry, I didn't know. 😅
8. What is your idea of the perfect day?
Going on a date with my husband somewhere nice and romantic where we don't need to worry about anything else.
9. If you could swap lives with one of your friends, who would it be?
To be honest, no one. I'm not saying this in a cocky, arrogant way. No. It's because, it would mean that, I wouldn't have my husband as my husband. I love him. Wouldn't want to swap him for anyone or anything else. And I'm so grateful to Allah for lending me him. My life has been so much better with him in it. Thank you Allah. 💗
10. Who knows the most secrets about you?
Allah swt.