Sunday, July 28, 2013

Ramadhan 1434H: Day 19

Tadi aku keluar dalam around kul 12 tengah hari kalau nda silap. Ceh, ada hati mau keluar kul 9 hahaha. Book hotel room untuk abang di My Hotel @ Sentral. Setel la sudah, syukur alhamdulillah ada kosong. Cuma yg aku pelik, dorang teda minta apa2 bayaran untuk booking (deposit). And check in mesti on time. Kalau nda dorang let go tu bilik. Buruk tul. Tapi ndapalah, ok jugak. Cuma if you ask me to choose, I'd prefer to pay some amount of deposit first, rather than nothing. So that I won't feel paranoid. Urgh. It's okay. I'll be there on time, insyaa Allah.

Lepas book hotel tu, aku pi Mid Valley. Bukan apa. Mau beli beg untuk laptop aku jak. Hari tu kan suda buang pasal kena kencing kucing. Buduh tul. RM65. Quite expensive (for me) but... I like it. Nanti mau tampal patches The Strokes lah. Hehehe.

I went home feeling so dried up and exhausted. I'm not fasting, yes, but it's not like I ate anything anyway. And I think it was the heat too. It's so hot today. Even now at 9.37pm. Even after taking a shower. Sampai rumah dalam around 4.45pm and I went straight to the bazaar. I bought nasi putih + ayam masak kurma + sayur = SEVEN FRIGGIN RINGGIT! I also bought 3 pieces of kek batik + 2 pieces of bahulu kemboja for RM2 and murtabak daging for RM2.50. Lepas makan rasa ok sikit. Tried to take a nap but couldn't, so I took my shower at around 7pm. Ahh... Mandi itu sememangnya nikmat. Dan nikmat itu cuma orang yg mandi saja tau. Hahahaha.

Okay, I better stop merapu now. Bagus lagi aku sambung packing. Kbye!

By the way, I find this pretty hilarious! Ramai jugak orang search baju kurung di Jalan TAR/Masjid Jamek and ended up finding my stupid blog ah. Hahahaha.

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